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  1. _mahavishnu

    Bored At Home: First grow ever (outdoors, bag seed, attempting organic/living soil)

    Already are, the growth out of the top two nodes is putting on at least .5-1in a day it seems. I trained the two tops way down last night with some wire and they were already up and facing the sun first thing this morning. I’m considering fimming them for sort of a tall mainline structure. This...
  2. _mahavishnu

    Icedrgn027's First Grow, DWC stone-less, multi-strain, mainline

    Also hoping the family is doing okay and that the grow finished up well! Been a really enjoyable hour reading through your grow this morning.
  3. _mahavishnu

    Bored At Home: First grow ever (outdoors, bag seed, attempting organic/living soil)

    The plant three days after topping: And a day or two after that: I‘ve started including aloe concentrate and silica with every watering and made a spray bottle full at half strength for misting the cutting. Still no pics of it, keep forgetting since it’s always hidden in its dome in a shady...
  4. _mahavishnu

    Bored At Home: First grow ever (outdoors, bag seed, attempting organic/living soil)

    The plant was totally unphased by the topping, all the leaves were raised to the sun the next day like nothing happened, and the growth from the nodes is developing rapidly :blsmoke: The cutting is going through hell so far. It survived outside in its dome and looked good yesterday morning, but...
  5. _mahavishnu

    Bored At Home: First grow ever (outdoors, bag seed, attempting organic/living soil)

    Just googled that. I’ll have to give that a shot next time I start a grow! Thinking maybe October/November.
  6. _mahavishnu

    Bored At Home: First grow ever (outdoors, bag seed, attempting organic/living soil)

    She went into the smart pot Jun 28 looking absolutely pathetic Eleven days later: I started watering with distilled water and a low dose of silica, and top dressed with alfalfa and kelp meal a few days after transplant. You can clearly see the difference between old growth and new on the...
  7. _mahavishnu

    Smelly AACT

    would this suggest that feeding fish hydrolysate could be harmful to the soil food web in general, regardless of timing?
  8. _mahavishnu

    Smelly AACT

    I think there’s little need to brew the fish emulsion. It’s possible that it had some small population of nasties in it that found a place to thrive in your bucket. Brew the AACT and then add the fish juice and mix right before you apply it to the plants. If your tea still smells like rot etc I...
  9. _mahavishnu

    Open advice request (first grow, limited resources)

    Thanks so much, definitely gonna start coming up with a fleshed out plan for what I might do in the fall. I know the approach you’ve developed is a lot different from what I’ve got going on now, but from a general plant care standpoint, is there anything you’d do differently in my situation...
  10. _mahavishnu

    Open advice request (first grow, limited resources)

    I’ll definitely check that out, strong chance I’ll try that for an indoor setup
  11. _mahavishnu

    Open advice request (first grow, limited resources)

    Hey thank you so much! That’s a super impressive showing. The sort-of-organic path I’ve put myself on is a little different from yours since I won’t be feeding directly (unless someone tells me a good way to incorporate the Big Bloom) but I’m not an organic purist, and you definitely make me...
  12. _mahavishnu

    Open advice request (first grow, limited resources)

    Hi newbs/pros, I’m growing just one plant from bag seed, with no disposable income (at least none from germ thru this weekend), outdoors in a container. Mostly using the grow to accumulate the supplies and experience for a proper grow, starting this fall if this plant is fem and goes to harvest...
  13. _mahavishnu

    Bored At Home: First grow ever (outdoors, bag seed, attempting organic/living soil)

    Soil finally dried out some in the heat yesterday. The original photo I posted was a few days old anyways, so here’s the state of her this morning: A slug or snail ate that lower leaf a week or so ago. Newer growth is looking more closely spaced now. Newer growth is also looking a little...
  14. _mahavishnu

    Bored At Home: First grow ever (outdoors, bag seed, attempting organic/living soil)

    I’ll keep that in mind. All comes down to how financials end up looking in the near future atm. Meanwhile I’ll see what the transplant and the July sun do for it over the next weeks. Should I bury the extra stem length under the cotyledons when I transplant?
  15. _mahavishnu

    Bored At Home: First grow ever (outdoors, bag seed, attempting organic/living soil)

    Yeah, I don’t have any choice right now! The sun is the most lumens I can afford until I get my money back up, hopefully soon. If it does start to flower way too soon I’ll probably get a light and move her indoors to reveg. My area gets down to 12hr days in late September. If she gets a good veg...
  16. _mahavishnu

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Hey all, new here and spent a few days reading through this and the organic 101 thread, and past weeks reading from ILGM, growweedeasy, etc. I’m doing my first grow and hopefully using the techniques found here, I started a journal here. I’m limited on resources for now, if anyone can offer any...
  17. _mahavishnu

    Bored At Home: First grow ever (outdoors, bag seed, attempting organic/living soil)

    Thanks, definitely gonna take away as much as I can from this. It’s gonna be hard not to helicopter parent. Dont think 7hr direct/15hr total of sun will cut it? My understanding is at worst not enough sun holds back my veg/end yield if I get that far. I’ll take what I get as far as that goes...
  18. _mahavishnu

    Bored At Home: First grow ever (outdoors, bag seed, attempting organic/living soil)

    Hey growers, This is my first ever post on the site, likely the first of many since I’m already planning my next grow(s). Anyone is welcome to volunteer any thoughts at all, I’ll take any advice I can get and next summer I’ll get an earlier start and hopefully put this one to shame! After a...