Bored At Home: First grow ever (outdoors, bag seed, attempting organic/living soil)


Well-Known Member
Hey growers,

This is my first ever post on the site, likely the first of many since I’m already planning my next grow(s). Anyone is welcome to volunteer any thoughts at all, I’ll take any advice I can get and next summer I’ll get an earlier start and hopefully put this one to shame!

After a bunch of weeks furloughed from my job sitting at home doing nothing, I looked at my stash of a few collected bag seeds over the last year and had the idea to germ them and just see what I could do, as a pastime/new hobby. I paper toweled the 4 that looked viable and did as much reading as I could while I waited for them to pop (and ever since). Only one ever popped, but it did in less than 24 hours with a nice 1/4-3/8” taproot, so this one seedling is all I’ve got but I’m hoping that was an early indicator of a badass.

I’m broke. I’m back to work but not paid yet, and should eventually get a check from the state when they sort their unemployment office out, and that’ll let me buy whatever else I need, but for now I’m only buying one more thing, FFOF. That brings us to

What I’ve got
this infant, put in soil May 30.
It’s been outdoors since day 1 in the best soil I could find around my yard, from under old layers of dead rotten leaves and mixed with a handful or two of some OMRI listed organic garden soil I got from Lowe’s months ago. There was a heat wave with 90 degree temps all day that started when it was just sprouting it’s first true leaves, and I checked on it one day to find the dark green plastic pot and soil were both scorching hot. I moved it inside where it could still get some direct light to cool down and ever since it’s had that foil skin and the hay to keep the soil from heating up so much outside in the sun. Either way it stalled for a few days and I’m hoping that explains the distance between the 1st and 2nd node.

The other things I have: a currently very hot compost pile, a bag of espoma alfalfa meal, a few aloe plants, the bag of garden soil, a bottle of FF Big Bloom, and I’m waiting on a 20gal smartpot and some espoma kelp meal to come in the mail soon. I’ve fed it some blended aloe in its water and put just a tsp or so of the alfalfa on top before I mulched it. Like I mentioned earlier, FFOF (or some other decent soil my garden center has if they’re out) is the only other thing I’m gonna buy now until I have some cash.

The plant got rained on a few days ago while I wasn’t home and it’s been heavy with water ever since. I squeezed the sides of the pot gently to get some air into it and removed the mulch for now, and the plant still looks ok, but I’ve got just a few root tips starting to appear at the drainage holes and one or two are a little brown. I’m hoping it’ll be alright to transplant into the smart pot on Friday with a mix of the two soils I’ll end up with, plus some more from my yard to provide microbial life, when I have everything all together, then I’ll be top dressing with the alfalfa and kelp meal.

I still intend to buy some finished compost since mine is nowhere near, some sort of silica supplement, neem meal, sprouting seeds, and whatever other various amendments/top dresses I think of, once I have some cash on hand, but for now I have to make the best of what I’ve got. The plant gets full sun from around 9-3 each day at minimum, more if I can move it in the afternoon. I’m sure it’s too late for it to take full advantage of a 20gal pot during this season, but the smart pot and all the soil/amendments/experience gained will carry over for future grows. Who even knows if it’s female right now? Anyways, I’m excited to see what comes of this. One last thought, I’ll probably buy a 315 cmh lamp, just in case it is female and frost comes before she finishes.

That’s all I’ve got for now. Any thoughts? Anything I could be doing differently with what I’ve got? Is there anywhere I can fit the bottle of big bloom I have into this, maybe in the first water when I transplant? Anything I can do to maximize the life in the soil once it’s all assembled? I’ll update in a few days! Thanks in advance if anyone chimes in.
No advice for soil really... I just want to say it looks good and don't over complicate things. You will learn from this first grow.... Just KISS: Keep It Simple & Stupid
No advice for soil really... I just want to say it looks good and don't over complicate things. You will learn from this first grow.... Just KISS: Keep It Simple & Stupid
Thanks, definitely gonna take away as much as I can from this. It’s gonna be hard not to helicopter parent.

Shes hungry for light
Dont think 7hr direct/15hr total of sun will cut it? My understanding is at worst not enough sun holds back my veg/end yield if I get that far. I’ll take what I get as far as that goes. Either way I don’t have a light right now, just gonna keep maximizing direct sun when I’m home and able to move her. I’ve left her under protection/shade on a few days where storms were predicted which I know isn’t ideal, but in that small pot, and with as much water as it’s been holding anyways, I’m more afraid of her drowning in rain than getting half sun for a day. It’s hot and sunny all day today and she’ll be out there hopefully drying out while I’m at work. Angling for as much root development as possible before transplant.
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Thanks, definitely gonna take away as much as I can from this. It’s gonna be hard not to helicopter parent.

Dont think 7hr direct/15hr total of sun will cut it? My understanding is at worst not enough sun holds back my veg/end yield if I get that far. I’ll take what I get as far as that goes. Either way I don’t have a light right now, just gonna keep maximizing direct sun when I’m home and able to move her. I’ve left her under protection/shade on a few days where storms were predicted which I know isn’t ideal, but in that small pot, and with as much water as it’s been holding anyways, I’m more afraid of her drowning in rain than getting half sun for a day. It’s hot and sunny all day today and she’ll be out there hopefully drying out while I’m at work. Angling for as much root development as possible before transplant.
The less light the less size/yield you will get. It might also cause premature flowering which also just means less size/yield. So if your cool with that, carry on soldier.
The less light the less size/yield you will get. It might also cause premature flowering which also just means less size/yield. So if your cool with that, carry on soldier.
Yeah, I don’t have any choice right now! The sun is the most lumens I can afford until I get my money back up, hopefully soon. If it does start to flower way too soon I’ll probably get a light and move her indoors to reveg. My area gets down to 12hr days in late September. If she gets a good veg in and starts flower around then, I’ll also likely have to move her indoors to finish off October/early Nov at the latest. Lots of Sun System 315s around secondhand for cheap.
Yeah, I don’t have any choice right now! The sun is the most lumens I can afford until I get my money back up, hopefully soon. If it does start to flower way too soon I’ll probably get a light and move her indoors to reveg. My area gets down to 12hr days in late September. If she gets a good veg in and starts flower around then, I’ll also likely have to move her indoors to finish off October/early Nov at the latest. Lots of Sun System 315s around secondhand for cheap.
I love my 315. I paid top dollar for a new vertical unit but I dont regret it, never had good luck with any used equipment that plugs in. Used hoods and stuff like that where literally nothing can go wrong with it is fine, but anything else I just bust open the wallet.
I love my 315. I paid top dollar for a new vertical unit but I dont regret it, never had good luck with any used equipment that plugs in. Used hoods and stuff like that where literally nothing can go wrong with it is fine, but anything else I just bust open the wallet.
I’ll keep that in mind. All comes down to how financials end up looking in the near future atm. Meanwhile I’ll see what the transplant and the July sun do for it over the next weeks. Should I bury the extra stem length under the cotyledons when I transplant?
I’ll keep that in mind. All comes down to how financials end up looking in the near future atm. Meanwhile I’ll see what the transplant and the July sun do for it over the next weeks. Should I bury the extra stem length under the cotyledons when I transplant?
Yeah it wouldnt hurt to bury 2-3 inches of that stem. Roots will eventually grow up into the dirt you put on top.
Soil finally dried out some in the heat yesterday. The original photo I posted was a few days old anyways, so here’s the state of her this morning:
A slug or snail ate that lower leaf a week or so ago. Newer growth is looking more closely spaced now. Newer growth is also looking a little yellow?
It’s hard to imagine it’s already cleaned out the available N in the soil, but the pot is tiny and I can’t be sure that what I got from the ground was that fertile anyways, it just looked/smelled good. Transplant can’t come quick enough.

One of the cotyledons is also going through something, though I was under the impression they would drop off a while ago from something or other I read.

Anything I should be actively worrying about right now, or will transplant into FFOF or similar probably sort it out for a few weeks? I wish I had some finished compost so I could give it an AACT drench after transplant to boost the rhizosphere and get things eating.

The smart pot should arrive today, but I’ll have to take a trip on Friday to get the FFOF since my local spot only has happy frog conditioner right now, no proper soils. That’s payday, so maybe I’ll find some compost while I’m there. Next update should have her in a much nicer home. Now I probably should start thinking about pest prevention...
She went into the smart pot Jun 28 looking absolutely pathetic

Eleven days later:

I started watering with distilled water and a low dose of silica, and top dressed with alfalfa and kelp meal a few days after transplant. You can clearly see the difference between old growth and new on the stem after transplant into proper soil:

I made an SST using alfalfa seed and drenched the soil with that a few days ago. I think that combined with the FFOF/Happy Frog combo was too much N, a few leaf tips clawed down the next day. She seems to have recovered but you can see some signs in the pics above.

Tonight I topped her down to the 5th node and I’m trying to get the cutting to root so that I can force it to preflower. Cut it diagonal, straight into a glass of water, rolled in rooting powder and dropped into a solo cup full of soil, under half of a water jug for humidity control. Cut the fan leaves in half and misted. If the clone takes, and it turns out that this plant and the clone actually are female, I’ll try to reveg the clone with the rest of the time left in the season.
The plant was totally unphased by the topping, all the leaves were raised to the sun the next day like nothing happened, and the growth from the nodes is developing rapidly :blsmoke:

The cutting is going through hell so far. It survived outside in its dome and looked good yesterday morning, but I didn’t want it battered by the sun so I moved it inside next to a window, misted it and put some damp paper towel in the dome with it. Came home after work and it was totally collapsed and fallen over, I don’t know if my AC was too dry for it or what. Put it back outside overnight and it’s been raining since 2am here. I guess the 100% humidity was what it needed since it’s perked way up as of this morning. I’d really like for it to root so I can find out if my plant is fem or not, but if it dies I’ll just try again later with lower growth instead of a top cutting. Pics later
The plant three days after topping:

And a day or two after that:

I‘ve started including aloe concentrate and silica with every watering and made a spray bottle full at half strength for misting the cutting. Still no pics of it, keep forgetting since it’s always hidden in its dome in a shady corner of the deck. I gave one of its fans a nudge radially yesterday and it sprung back to where it started so I think it’s beginning to root! Few more days and I’ll put it under a CFL to force flowering. If anyone out there is reading, do you know if I can reveg the clone if it does turn out female?
The plant three days after topping:
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And a day or two after that:
View attachment 4625003

I‘ve started including aloe concentrate and silica with every watering and made a spray bottle full at half strength for misting the cutting. Still no pics of it, keep forgetting since it’s always hidden in its dome in a shady corner of the deck. I gave one of its fans a nudge radially yesterday and it sprung back to where it started so I think it’s beginning to root! Few more days and I’ll put it under a CFL to force flowering. If anyone out there is reading, do you know if I can reveg the clone if it does turn out female?
Yes you can reveg if its female. People take plants all the way to harvest, cut all but one branch, and still reveg.

Shes looking much better topped, the side branches are starting to grow. They will take off very quickly in the near future.
Yes you can reveg if its female. People take plants all the way to harvest, cut all but one branch, and still reveg.

Shes looking much better topped, the side branches are starting to grow. They will take off very quickly in the near future.

Already are, the growth out of the top two nodes is putting on at least .5-1in a day it seems. I trained the two tops way down last night with some wire and they were already up and facing the sun first thing this morning. I’m considering fimming them for sort of a tall mainline structure. This is my favorite part of the grow so far, I love getting home every day and seeing how far it’s come, and it seems like it is turning out to be a pretty hardy plant.
well she took the topping well
She did!

and the cutting:

I slept in today and woke up with the cutting bathed in direct sun and shriveled up all over again. Assuming I ever do get it established it may just be a herm by the time I flower it, lol. Pray for it while it’s recouperating under its shade/humidome