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  1. phil k

    First grow. Any suggestions?

    no your internode spacing allows the light through fine, theres little amounts of leaves not thick and bushy and its only one plant... plus its a short plant close to the light underside lighting is in no way needed.
  2. phil k

    First grow. Any suggestions?

    another option is just running like a guano feed or teas for flower since your already 2 weeks in..simple, easy and cheap.
  3. phil k

    First grow. Any suggestions?

    looks good your definitely starting to run low on feed its lightening a lot. I would suggest getting into a feed line of some kind for the remainder of the flower..start off at like 1/4 strength since they haven't been fed chemicals yet so they can adjust.
  4. phil k

    nitrogen toxicity? cal problem? stress? I'm not sure what is happening to these.

    the soaking wet soil is causing the plant to basically go into lockout which is why your yellowing.. the droopy leaves are your first sign to overwatering other than the fact you stated you water 2x a day..
  5. phil k

    nitrogen toxicity? cal problem? stress? I'm not sure what is happening to these.

    you should be watering 1x every 2-3 days depending on the media your using sometimes every 3-4 days
  6. phil k

    Need help diagnosing potential overfeeding

    he did say "he thinks" the water was adjust to 6.5 but you and everyone else thats adjust tap water with acid knows that litteraly a few drops in tap will swing your ph a crap load depending on the brands and stuff.. my money is still on him not knowing the exact PH and having acidic feeds that...
  7. phil k

    Need help diagnosing potential overfeeding

    I'm sorry that was my fault i mis read the post ... but come on.. manganese is even more of a stretch to have a deficiency on..chances are theres a different issue stoping the plant from proper uptake as opposed to needing anything.
  8. phil k

    Need help diagnosing potential overfeeding

    what do you fill a single gallon and then ph it? or do you do a 5 gallon? generally tap takes about .8-1.2ML of general hydroponics PH down per 5 gallon bucket to take my tap water from 7.4 down to 6.5 .... a single gallon takes about 3 drops sometimes 4... generally alkaline soils will have a...
  9. phil k

    Portable air conditioner for detached garage tent

    if your only running one 1000 it will cool well especially since they not only cool but act as a secondary exhausting unit for the room
  10. phil k

    Portable air conditioner for detached garage tent

    thats a oldie! no do not use the drain water you definitely do not want to do that.
  11. phil k

    Need help diagnosing potential overfeeding

    bkbbudz suggested it was a mag issue and i suggested something else.. get your story right
  12. phil k

    Need help diagnosing potential overfeeding

    do you read posts... it was the very first post on here to reply to him.. r u seriously going to be stupid enough to attack me and say I'm saying anything about it being a mag issue? when all i did was inform him that chances are its ph? where r u lost at?and your jumping on saying iron.. which...
  13. phil k

    Need help diagnosing potential overfeeding

    one quick thing too your getting a bit of tacoing in the leaves not like overfeed taco but heat taco i know you say it stays stable at 82 but are you certain about that with 1000w. in a 5x5? a lot of the times when you see that its revolving around higher temps.. which can also cause some uptake...
  14. phil k

    Need help diagnosing potential overfeeding

    lol.. okay well feed it some magnesium
  15. phil k

    Need help diagnosing potential overfeeding

    look i get the whole deficient thing in the right cases.. he's a new grower i will put almost anything on the fact his ph is off or something other than deficiency to get deficiency in plants with just proper basic feeding is highly unlikely until your plant reaches a certain height and size...
  16. phil k

    Need help diagnosing potential overfeeding

    whats your water/feed at ph wise when you feed?
  17. phil k

    Need help diagnosing potential overfeeding

    oh lord here we go with the magnesium calcium deficiency...
  18. phil k

    simple and easy seed starting

    no one is in here saying anything about new stuff nor was anyone ever arguing any points with anyone. this post was originally started as a how to start seeds for people to see step by step photos that may not know how to do it nothing more at all..i'm pretty sure the point of these boards is...
  19. phil k

    simple and easy seed starting

    the ignorance on these boards is insane... everyones dick needs whipping out..