simple and easy seed starting

no one is in here saying anything about new stuff nor was anyone ever arguing any points with anyone. this post was originally started as a how to start seeds for people to see step by step photos that may not know how to do it nothing more at all..i'm pretty sure the point of these boards is to spread information instead of getting on to ignorantly bash others because you don't agree with them or their style or whatever the heck the reason maybe i don't know but its absolutely pointless and make you as people look seriously undereducated
no one is in here saying anything about new stuff nor was anyone ever arguing any points with anyone. this post was originally started as a how to start seeds for people to see step by step photos that may not know how to do it nothing more at all..i'm pretty sure the point of these boards is to spread information instead of getting on to ignorantly bash others because you don't agree with them or their style or whatever the heck the reason maybe i don't know but its absolutely pointless and make you as people look seriously undereducated

ya because sanding your seeds and all that bullshit really makes for a simple system,ever heard of just putting them in the dirt? carry on professor...