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  1. Nugbender

    American seed banks If your still looking
  2. Nugbender

    RSO advice needed.

    Gotcha, a little much for me right now. I'll add it to the shopping list when I have more funds, how long do you purge for and how do you get everything out afterwards? with the opening being so narrow?
  3. Nugbender

    RSO purification and techniques

    At what point are you adding the dry ice? Before and during the wash?
  4. Nugbender

    RSO purification and techniques

    So all you do is just let it sit out and its good to go? How do you check residuals?
  5. Nugbender

    RSO purification and techniques

    I've been going through that user guide and process as well
  6. Nugbender

    Announcing RSO 2.0 - An Update to a Classic 20 Year Old Recipe

    Why did you decide to stilt and winterize the RSO? What plant compounds are you trying to remove as it wasn't stated in the user guide Fats are beneficial when consumed, waxes i'm not so sure of. If we are not dabbing RSO as most aren't, it could be more beneficial to the body to leave this in no?
  7. Nugbender

    RSO purification and techniques

    Think I got the rona and am currently in quarantine so thought I might as well make some RSO to pass by time and boost the immunity. Spending the last couple of days reading past previous posts and looks like Isopropyl Alcohol 99% (IPA) - USP-NF is what I will be going with. I am wondering...
  8. Nugbender

    Does weed lower blood pressure?

    maybe its because of the massive amount of cannabinoids that your body uptakes + family genetics
  9. Nugbender

    RSO advice needed.

    Whats the beaker called? and how much does the pump on average go for?
  10. Nugbender

    Is there an RSO sub forum?

    I think its because ISO isn't made for consumption and is dangerous when consumed in large amounts. When purged correctly it shouldn't be a problem though which should be done regardless
  11. Nugbender

    Is the Market crashing everywhere?

    What state are you from? I've been in the medical industry for 10 years on and off BM and retail. I last worked for a company training staff on education and compliance and ended up leaving the company as the ethos wasn't for me anymore shortly after the company sold the business for 85.8...
  12. Nugbender

    Announcing RSO 2.0 - An Update to a Classic 20 Year Old Recipe

    Going through gray wolfs content and will see what I can help and add to this process
  13. Nugbender

    Announcing RSO 2.0 - An Update to a Classic 20 Year Old Recipe

    Reading through the material now, appreciate the share with the community
  14. Nugbender

    Is there an RSO sub forum?

    What was the cost for the 1 gallon of ISO?
  15. Nugbender

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    I have a couple 5 gal coco based soil from a previous organic run, its been awhile maybe and the soil is all dried out, what would be the necessary steps I would need to take to bring these back to life? I have some BAS craft blend, grokashi I could amend this with and some cover crop seeds...
  16. Nugbender

    Reusing organic soil

    how do you check if the soil is ready to use? I saved my coco coir with organic inputs, the soil is completely dried out right now though
  17. Nugbender

    Tissue Culture : Small Indoor Setup

    Have 0% experience with tissue culture / micropropagation. How long are clones in agar stable for shelf life wise?
  18. Nugbender

    Genetic Hunt: Higher THC, moderate CBD?

    Do you know of any lab tests of deadlights, i'm looking to run a pack. Haven't seen dance hall or dance world in years, who has those genetics?
  19. Nugbender

    Air pots ant dtw question

    How much does it cost to get lab tests on your flower?