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  1. Merlin1147

    Kali Mist - Queen of Sativas

    I ran Kali Mist last grow and think I’ll make it a standard. A friend described it as like fine cognac, smooth and refined.
  2. Merlin1147

    Ready or not

    check the trichomes on the calyx not the sugar leaves. From what I can see in the second pic, they are mostly clear. I’d let to go at least a couple weeks.
  3. Merlin1147

    Leaves curling

    The far plant in the second pic is showing N toxicity.
  4. Merlin1147

    Spots on leaves

    Could be as simple as overwatering. Small plant, big pot.
  5. Merlin1147

    Spots on leaves

    Whoa. Not good. We’re going to need a lot more info to help. Soil, fertilizer, temps, relative humidity, light type. water source, when transplanted, auto or photo. Etc. They are pretty small for 3 weeks in veg. If they are photos there’s time to fix the problem before the switch.
  6. Merlin1147

    What’s a possible yield w/ 4k w LED/8x8 room/12 plants

    If they are 1000 watts output between 0 and 9-10 pounds
  7. Merlin1147


    I mix 10 gallons and with the air stone in it drops.what fertilizer? Using GH trio cal Mg and some B52 from AN.
  8. Merlin1147


    Weird right? Is it a bulk tank or hydro set up?
  9. Merlin1147


    I find that if I run an air stone in the bulk fertilizer tank my pH drops. Without the air on the pH doesn’t move. My thinking is that its the CO2 in the air reacting with the water to form carbonic acid. You might want to test that out on your system. I’d be interested.
  10. Merlin1147

    Why is the “flip” different indoors than outdoors?

    Good point! Makes me wonder if plants in the ground outside are getting signals from the fungal network to flower. Really fascinating new research coming out about how the fungal network is acting as an information highway and managing the flow of carbohydrates across multiple plant species.
  11. Merlin1147

    Why is the “flip” different indoors than outdoors?

    Wow this thread is going deep! I can‘t say that the Emerson Effect is easy to observe. I’m not even convinced it’s actually even a thing. In the 1950s Emerson exposed algae to individual wavelengths and found they did better when exposed to 660 and 720 together than they did with either...
  12. Merlin1147

    Why is the “flip” different indoors than outdoors?

    The Emerson’s effect and the use of far red at the end of day, are two different things. I bought a bunch of different reds including 660 from rapid and put them on a heat sink with their own driver to get Emerson effect after the stretch is done. I find the use of far red at EOD shortens...
  13. Merlin1147

    grow tent

    Figure on 30-35 true watts per square foot of high quality LEDs. So You’re going to want 1000 watts or better of actual output from the wall For that 4x8 tent. Don’t be fooled by model numbers or “equivalent to” or “replaces a 1000 watt HPS”. Look at the the amperage draw on the light. Amp x...
  14. Merlin1147

    Why is the “flip” different indoors than outdoors?

    Red light will encourage stretching. So I tend towards more blue light during that period especially with sativas. Some times it works and other times the plant just wants to go up. 720-740 is the sweet spot. IDK about the IR heat lamps for this purpose. You can get what some call an...
  15. Merlin1147

    Why is the “flip” different indoors than outdoors?

    I have diodes from rapid led that are in a separate driver and timer And yes they come on 5 minutes before the main lights go off and stay on for 5 minutes after they go off. So 10 minutes total. That schedule is for during the initial flip so there is not too much red to encourage stretch. Once...
  16. Merlin1147

    Why is the “flip” different indoors than outdoors?

    Not necessarily. I once ran a trial using a 28 hour light/dark cycle instead of 24 hour. So at the end of the week I’d have 6 full cycles instead of 7 and by using a 16/12 schedule there were 12 more hours of daylight per week. You can do the math. My thinking was more daylight more production...
  17. Merlin1147

    Why is the “flip” different indoors than outdoors?

    @Bukvičák is right. At sunset outside the spectrum shifts toward far red 720-740nm this caused the phytochromes in the plant to go from the active Pfr isoform to the inactive or sleep Pr isoform. Basically it transitions the plant to nighttime mode within minutes rather than hours. Inside I use...
  18. Merlin1147

    Feisty before the flip

    Are you positive the mites are gone? Could be residual damage growing out or Maybe a few broad mites still hiding in the growing tips. It could also be a bit over watered.
  19. Merlin1147

    Feisty before the flip

    It looks fine. The single leaf tip burn could be mechanical damage. If your thinking N def because the growing tips are less green, that is normal when they are growing fast. It take time for them to catch up and pack chlorophyll when they are adding growth fast.