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  1. Blesed141

    Can I Pick The Buds Ripen?

    I picked one of the ripened buds yesterday. I did a shorter version of a water cure with warm water. I believe I had it submerged for about 2 hours and changed the water a couple times. Then I sat it on my space heater on low-medium while I cooked dinner and ate. When it came time to break it up...
  2. Blesed141

    Can I Pick The Buds Ripen?

    Yes, no luck needed. For it was foretold by a wise man that I would be a yielder of many great things. "It is your Destiny!," he told me.... Does it matter that we were high and on mushrooms hahaha :lol:
  3. Blesed141

    Can I Pick The Buds Ripen?

    Awesome! Thanks to you all! I will trim the ripened buds closely and with much common sense. Also making sure to not trim off more than 50% of all buds. And I just received my seeds from attitude. So i might just have a little gardening party tonight and kick it off with a blunt :bigjoint: From...
  4. Blesed141

    Which Seedbank?

    YES! I GOT THEM YESTERDAY!!!!!! LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL!!! Another satisfied customer of The Attitude Seed Bank added to the tally... Man I'm smiling from ear to ear :bigjoint:
  5. Blesed141

    Can I Pick The Buds Ripen?

    "Can I Pick Buds Ripen"... I gotta stop smoking and writing shit right before bed!... Cool. But do I cut? For instance, where would I cut the main cola at? And do I just cut the whole stem that the buds are on?
  6. Blesed141

    Can I Pick The Buds Ripen?

    The hairs on my plants are already turning reddish-brown all the while side branches are still growing in along the lower stem and budding. Since plants ripen from top to bottom, can I pick the buds as they ripen so the lower buds can mature? If so, how can I without killing the plant? :blsmoke:
  7. Blesed141

    Which Seedbank?

    Yeah, I didn't find out about the 420 discount code until after I placed the damn order. But what can I say? I still got good deal. I just hate the fact that it's going to take FOREVER to get here. And everyday after work I'm going to rush into the house hoping :shock: that that day is the day I...
  8. Blesed141

    Which Seedbank?

    Thanx for ya'll two pennies, it is much appreciated. I was a little scared about ordering... BUT I PLACED AN ORDER!!!:mrgreen: WHOO HOO! I still was worried that they might get confiscated, so I ordered one seed. I got a Feminized G13 Haze since it had won this past year's Cannabis Cup. Also...
  9. Blesed141

    Which Seedbank?

    AWESOME!!! I'm so excited right now!!! I can't wait.... What do yall think about Red Diesel or any other Diesel? Are they just as good as NYC Diesel? I'd rather not settle for anything of a lesser quality. Especially, since this would be for a personal grow. From what I've seen all Diesels are...
  10. Blesed141

    Which Seedbank?

    I wanted to order some seeds from a seed bank that would ship to the US.RIU only supports Nirvana. Nirvana is okay, but they don't have as much of a variety like The Attitude Seed Bank. I wanted to know if anyone has ever ordered from them in the US? Also, probably the best smoke I ever had was...
  11. Blesed141

    Is it possible?

    Thanks for all your help. Anyone else with other input?
  12. Blesed141

    Is it possible?

    I recently began my first, so far successful, grow from seeds I had collected in the past year and started flowering 9 days ago. On the 4th day I could distinguish the males. I killed them a couple days later after dertermining that they were not hermies. As I was spending quality time with the...