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  1. caseycase

    2nd grow started, auto, cfl

    update on my grow, everything has gone pretty good, hoping to start a scrog within a month,probley going to use a hps, going to have a tent for flowering and my closet is about 4 feet by 4 feet going to use that for veg and clones. top69 auto- almost 6 weeks old fastbud auto- a few days...
  2. caseycase

    one cola plant

    how old should i start, mine is about 2 weeks from seed just starting to grow new branches
  3. caseycase

    one cola plant

    i was trying to figure out how i would make a plant just have one cola up the plant
  4. caseycase

    250 watt cfl question

    my grow im doing now is called 2nd grow started, auto, cfl
  5. caseycase

    250 watt cfl question

    whats up, my first grow i used cfls, i had 8 27 watt cfls, veged for 2 months and flowered for 9 weeks and i got right around and oz and a half, let me no if you got any questions,,,,, growing autoflowing top 69 and fast bud with cfls right now, going pretty good
  6. caseycase

    og kush

    does anyone no of a place that dilivers og kush seeds to the u.s
  7. caseycase

    2nd grow started, auto, cfl

    just an update if anyone is looking, about 5 weeks from seed, also started a hydro setup about 2 weeks ago top69 fem about 5 weeks from seed bagseed about 2 weeks from seed fast bud fem sprouted this morning
  8. caseycase

    250 hps

    i was thinking about getting a 250 watt hps and was wondering if i would need to vent or cool,i no i should and will eventualy will but wanna see if i will befor i use it room is about 4 by 4 by 8
  9. caseycase


    how big do you want them and how long you wanna grow them in all?
  10. caseycase

    newbie question

    i want to no this to, i just started rocklock also has it been an easy grow?
  11. caseycase

    2nd grow started, auto, cfl

    just makin an update, within the last week she has grown so much from my first grow
  12. caseycase

    First grow 2 weeks of flower opinions please??

    looking really good
  13. caseycase

    First grow 2700k flowering!! :)

    lookin good
  14. caseycase

    2nd grow started, auto, cfl

  15. caseycase

    2nd grow started, auto, cfl

    anyone have advice on being able to havest evey month, thats what my goal is
  16. caseycase

    2nd grow started, auto, cfl

    i started my 2nd grow just about a month ago,and a couple more a week ago, im wanting to make it so aventualy i have at least one havest a month, im growing top69 autoflower right now,have some afghan kush on the way, using cfls,,, if you have any questions or suggestions just let me no
  17. caseycase


    thanx for the imput, i think ill keep it on 18/6 for maybe a month, then put it to 12/12/ to flower both, or i could just vig the whole time untill the autos are dun, just wanted to make sure its not bad for them
  18. caseycase


    becuase i have both growing and ill want to switch it to 12/12 when the nonautos are ready to flower
  19. caseycase


    does anyone no if its alright to put an autoflower on 12/12
  20. caseycase

    no whats wrong?

    whats up, there is a couple of brown spots on one leaf, seeing if someone knows if something is wrong, let me no if you have any questions