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  1. filmore

    Looking for advice on when I can take cuttings for clones.

    That's what I was afraid of; how about if the buds are harvested and then try to re-veg under flo lights?
  2. filmore

    Looking for advice on when I can take cuttings for clones.

    I have a couple plants of a nice short strain that I want to grow clones of outside next Spring. They are ready to harvest though with nice big buds. How can I get some cuttings of this to keep a couple mother plants over the winter inside? Thanks. :leaf:
  3. filmore

    Rich's Girl

    Well, this is it for this year. Thanks for all the tips; only got 1/4 pound and it isn't any good yet. Crap. Date on pics is wrong too.
  4. filmore

    Countryfarmer's outdoor grow

    Sorry to hear someone got lucky and found yours. I've got mine trimmed and curing, but still not sure what I started with. Learned a lot this year and will know what I start with next Spring. I only got less rhan 1/4 pound for all that work for 4 months, but I enjoyed the heck out of it. I am...
  5. filmore

    Dubious Greenhouse Grow

    Nice looking grow Dubious.
  6. filmore

    Rich's Girl

    Hey filmore is that a snake on your deck to the left of the far left chair? Gotta love the unusualy warm WI weather! Keep it growin!!!! Yep, a rubber one from Walmart. Keeps the birds from landing and dropping sorties all over the deck. They really work.
  7. filmore

    Rich's Girl

    The yellowing just started the last week, some turning brown on the tips, so snipped a few off. All has been green up till now. Yes, my biggest correction would be to open her to the sun much earlier if possible. I don't see any crystals like the colas showed. Thanks.
  8. filmore

    Rich's Girl

    Man, we've been blessed with the best October weather ever, so she's still getting 8 hours or so of sunshine. Supposed to stay in the 70s for the next week too. I took a few pics over the last couple days, but got lazy. Now she is as high as I can go with her.
  9. filmore

    Rich's Girl

    I still have hope for some good stuff. I must broaden my horizon to get some better plants to grow. Do you start with seeds? I'm making a trip to CO next month and will ask a friend with a MMJ card to either get me seeds or clones of known good stuff they sell legally. I read about so many kinds...
  10. filmore

    Rich's Girl

    Looks happy out there in the sun today, think I'll let her go as long as I can.
  11. filmore

    Rich's Girl

    I raised her today to get the last bit of sunshine throughout this weekend. Supposed to be in the high 70s and I'm lucky to have this. Should I let her go for another week yet? I'm still covering her at night unless it gets too cold and I bring her in.
  12. filmore

    Rich's Girl

    Wow, great information man. Makes me feel a bit better. Yes, smells like hay and yes, the buds have moisture to them this morning, so I'm assuming it is time for the curing process in the jars. All of what you said makes sense, especially immaturity of my buds. So anyway that's about an ounce...
  13. filmore

    Rich's Girl

    I just want it to be worth the risk I'm taking and I'd like it to rip my head off.
  14. filmore

    White Picket Fence Garden or Odbsmydog's Organic Outdoor 2010!

    Good luck to Odie today and wow nice looking plants.
  15. filmore

    Rich's Girl

    Just put her back out for another day of sunshine. Is supposed to be in the 70s all week. The buds I clipped dried really fast in the basement, so I put them in a jar to cure. Sure hope the next harvest is a lot better smoke. Not impressed with this at all except for the smell of the buds while...
  16. filmore

    Rich's Girl

    Brought her in overnight and got her back out in the sun when it got to 40 or so. Should be sunny all day; I'll bring her in at night, and next week it should be in the 70s again, so she can grow. Looks happy to me.
  17. filmore

    Rich's Girl

    That is good to hear and I can see a lot of growth from today. Yes, most of the buds from down inside are really green yet. The buds I cut off were much darker, and I'm hoping she concentrates energy there and explodes now. Thanks for the input man.
  18. filmore

    Rich's Girl

    I think maybe I need a new camera, or maybe some picture taking lessons.
  19. filmore

    Rich's Girl

    Thanks for your service brother. Maybe I can get a better closeup tomorrow. Got a chili cookoff to do some sampling at today. Only 44 out this morning, but it will be sunny and warm up.
  20. filmore

    Rich's Girl

    Here's a couple pics from this morning. Seems like there should be good coming out of all that yet.