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  1. bong face

    Outdoor Autos

    so a friend of mine is gonna start a few seeds for me, i don't have indoor grow space available. i'm gonna have him start 3 Fruit Automatic Feminized from Dinafem. i think im only let them be indoors for like 2 weeks tops. I want to minimize any risk of shock during the transfer outside
  2. bong face

    Outdoor Autos

    ya, nothing to take pics of yet.
  3. bong face

    Outdoor Autos

    nice. this was my first experience with FF, i had only used miracle grow in the past.... i've learned my lesson lol i really recommend FF, just follow the feeding schedule and u can't go wrong.
  4. bong face

    Outdoor Autos

    dry! i didn't even take a wet weight. i used FFOF for soil and only molasses and FF Tiger Bloom for nutes
  5. bong face

    Outdoor Autos

    hahaha a guess ur right, u think if i had just a 150w hps i would of had better results? im pleased with what i have just curious about the future
  6. bong face

    Outdoor Autos

    do u have any experience behind this? cuz ive heard autos get even bigger outdoors than indoors.
  7. bong face

    Guerrilla Warfare - Part 2 - Diesel Ryder, Auto Blueberry, Auto Assassin

    just checked them out, lookin real nice. how are the buckets working out? better than ammending soil?
  8. bong face

    An Early Bloomer?

    i was a noob then, pretty sure it was just flowering
  9. bong face

    Outdoor Autos

    good call, honestly i was thinking bout germinating the seed and sowing right where it will grow, or was thinking bout just growing them in green 5 gal buckets, just in case something bad happens and security is in jeopardy. dreamy- what he means is less chance to shock the plants, causeing...
  10. bong face

    Outdoor Autos

    damn thats some rough luck. this was my first indoor attempt, an the haze auto got me 70g's with only cfls. u must of just had shitty luck with genetics, or ur doing something else wrong. ive had a couple attempts outdoors with regular seeds but in my 4 attemps i got maybe 7 grams total. the...
  11. bong face

    Outdoor Autos

    haha jan and feb??!! i wish! im in new england, can't go outdoors til may (safely). yeah man 2 and 1/2 with cfls. pleasantly surprised myself, first indoor attempt too. had one 125w 6500K with a hood, a 48w 2700K and a 50w 2700K. the top nug is 13.5g!!!
  12. bong face

    Outdoor Autos

    yeah i the haze auto was feminized... still hermied. =bad genetics, but the 'naners popped out during the last week, i don't even think they opened cuz i haven't found a seed yet!
  13. bong face

    Outdoor Autos

    Does anyone have any experience with autoflowers outdoors?? I just did indoor with haze auto from dinafem and yielded 70g's in 80 days with cfls. Now i wanna try doing an outdoor. I just purchased 3 fruit auto from dinafem, anyone grow this strain? it came with second generation haze autos...
  14. bong face

    Haze Auto First CFL--- Massive Buds!

    soo started smoking it a few days ago, (not fully cured.. but couldn't wait:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:) Its fuckin legit, mad sticky and taste awesome. The nugs smell dank, and wicked citrusy. I recomend this strain, just watch out for hermies especially with the the 2nd generation seeds, i just...
  15. bong face

    Haze Auto First CFL--- Massive Buds!

    soo started smoking it a few days ago, (not fully cured.. but couldn't wait
  16. bong face

    Haze Auto First CFL--- Massive Buds!

    yeah nick, i was pleasantly surprised myself, this being my first indoor attempt and all cfls
  17. bong face

    Haze Auto First CFL--- Massive Buds!

    the bud is now curing! and it looks/smells boooommmmbbb!! i ended up with 74 grams dry!!! with 223w of cfl that is .33g/w smoked a small sampler nug that fell of while trimming, creeper high, but definitely will be some good smoke after the cure. ill post again in a couple weeks once the cure...
  18. bong face

    Haze Auto First CFL--- Massive Buds!

    bump.... harvested the main cola on 4/7, lowered the lights and the the rest of the plant on 4/9. got it drying in the closet it was growing in. should be ready to cure in a few days.:weed: when trimming a little nug fell off, it dried quick and couldn't help but sample:joint: looks...
  19. bong face

    Haze Auto First CFL--- Massive Buds!

    bump... also go some bad news, last night i definitely found a couple male flowers on her.... sucks, i'm only a couple days from harvest too. hopefully there won't be enough time for any seeds to develop. anyone know how long it takes for seeds to develop once a flower is pollenated...
  20. bong face

    This Grow Stinks!

    how long did u veg for? or did u start 12/12? also sub'd