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  1. M

    Seedlings Suffering

    Aight Ill fiddle around, thanks for the suggestions.
  2. M

    Seedlings Suffering

    Theyre in some soil from one of my planter boxes. I thought CFLs were sposed to be close... maybe only after theyre a little older?
  3. M

    Seedlings Suffering

    Hey guys, I have two seedlings right now in a ~4in pot under 3 23W CFLs. They are about 3in away from the lights. Anyways, one of the seedlings has one brown leaf (of its two first leaves [well not very first leaves but first leaves with little ridges and shit]). All four leaves on the two...
  4. M

    Question For People!

    I believe I have the freedom to do whatever I want as long as what Im doing does not limit the freedom of others.
  5. M

    Libertarian Municipalism

    Oh and I wanted to throw out another book called The Sate of Exception by Giorgio Agamben. This is about the growing trend since Napoleon of states employing a constant state of emergency to transfer legislative powers into the hands of the executive. One modern example presented is Mr. Bushs...
  6. M

    Libertarian Municipalism

    Hrm. First, you claim that citizens have 'control'. If by that you mean we have the chance to elect an official every so often, then yes, we have control. However, this seems to me to be entirely superficial, seeing as an elected representative is given a blank check and can (and does) do...
  7. M

    Libertarian Municipalism

    Hey everyone, I wanted to get a feel for what people think of the idea of direct democracy as a viable method of government in our day and age. Im pretty much just a little socialist punk looking to see if there are any other like-minded individuals here who might have thoughts on the subject...
  8. M

    The Ground Zero Mosque debate.

    Dont know if this has been said, but its not a mosque and its not at ground zero.....
  9. M

    2 Poems

    I like how you didnt just follow some simple rhyme scheme and put you thoughts down in a natural way, sometimes thats hard for me to do. I guess this is the poetry section so Ill throw in a poem just for kicks: Im Home. Im High. Its weird How fast Time flies.
  10. M

    Quick lighting and LST Qs

    Thanks for the tips. Im getting the feeling theres more than a few of us on here whove tried a PC grow box lol. Any other tips/tricks you could pass along? Did you do 12/12 all the way through and lst as well? The thing thats got me worried right now is my exhaust fan. Its a 12v fan but its only...
  11. M

    Quick lighting and LST Qs

    Hey everyone, This is my first real attempt at growing a plant. I have a PC gutted and set up with fans and some CFLs. It measures 17x16x9in. Have to do a micro grow cuz not all of my house-mates are down :(. Anyways, the reason Im posting is cuz I have a couple questions. First off, Ive seen...