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    Rapid Rooters??

    Whoa! Yeah, wtf? Why was a 2y/o thread revived?
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    Fighting Fire with Fire... or Bugs With Bugs. Does it Work?

    Has anyone ever used bugs higher up on the food chain to control pests like spider mites? There's a hydro store down the street from my house and they sell lady bugs, praying mantis, and one other predator bug. For $20 you get 1,200 lady bugs and for $8 you get a "case" of praying mantis eggs...
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    Rapid Rooters??

    I also use 16oz clear plastic cups, but I make sure no light gets on the roots. I take a solid red cup and put a small rock in the bottom. Next I take a clear plastic cup with drainage holes punched in, and put it in the red cup. The red cup protects the roots, but I can still pull the clear...
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    The Best Deals Thread - Updated Version

    Anyone know where to get a deal on some 600w HPS lights and ballasts? By the way any hood needs to be air cooled.
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    Michigan Politician and Their Stance on Marijuana

    Thank you Ganja Girl for reviving this thread, and doing so with some great information. It makes me happy to see cannabis users being informed and involved. Bravo for calling him out on the issues like that.
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    in serious need of some dating advice

    There is another option here we haven't looked at. Set up a weekly schedule. Since your current gf is your least favorite see her on Mon and Tues. Girl number 2 gets the rest of the week, and girl 3 gets the weekends. If a girl calls on her unassigned day tell her you got work, school, your...
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    Nirvana Fan Club! Share Your Nirvana Plants/Buds/Experience/Anything

    So Nirvana remedied the situation with my wrong order. I got this response this morning: Hi (my real name), We are sorry to hear about the mix up at our packaging department. We will resend the feminized bubblelicious seeds within a few day. I hope you will receive them safe and sound. Peace...
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    Will this be enough ventilation? ANY ADVICE IS APPRECIATED

    I don't know how accurate it is but the rule of thumb I was taught was all the air in your grow room needs to be exchanged at least every 5 minutes. So unless my math is way off (which is a possibility it is 8:30 in the AM), your grow room is only 41.6 cubic feet. So you don't need a very big...
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    Growing huge plants!!!!!

    Picking your plants at 4 weeks is not like watering down your booze. It would be the equivalent of watering down your booze using dog piss. Also trying asking questions with out the caps lock. You may just find you get better results.
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    Molasses and Sugar

    What's this suppose to do? Do you use it with your nutes or instead of?
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    When Do Males Start Producing Pollen?

    Thanks guys, you're great! Taking the high road and keeping the talk scientific was an option. But no one took the high road, instead crude sexual references were used. I love you guys! +Rep all around. Also thanks for answering the question.
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    When Do Males Start Producing Pollen?

    43 views and nobody knows?
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    Japanese Red Maple (must see)

    I see Japanese maples in Michigan all the time. I used to pick the leaves and leave them laying around for people. It is a cool looking tree, I approve of this tree.
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    When Do Males Start Producing Pollen?

    At what age do male plants start producing pollen? What's the window of time I have to pluck the males from my garden before they start spraying their stuff all over my pretty ladies? How many days/weeks from introducing a plant to flower do I safely have to pull the males?
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    Nirvana Fan Club! Share Your Nirvana Plants/Buds/Experience/Anything

    I will do just that lowphat. Also I noticed while germinating the seeds, these seeds look very unimpressive. They were very small (similar in size to the premature little white seeds you get in bag weed. Maybe slightly bigger.). They were a light brown color with very little other color or...
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    Nirvana Fan Club! Share Your Nirvana Plants/Buds/Experience/Anything

    I got my order today. It took 7 days from being shipped, 8 days from the order itself. Not too bad. Sadly my order was slightly mixed up. Instead of 5 fem WoWo and 5 fem Bubalicious, I got the 5 fem WoWo but got 10 NON-fem Bubalicious. Kinda a bummer since I can legally only have so many...
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    A Question About Air-Cooled Lights. +Rep For Answer.

    I am putting the finishing touches on my grow room and I have a quick question about air-cooled lights. Do you want the air to flow in from the side with the socket and out the other end, or vice a versa, or does it not matter. Do I want the air to flow like in crude drawing 1, or crude...
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    Nirvana Fan Club! Share Your Nirvana Plants/Buds/Experience/Anything

    Today was business day #5 and it didn't come today. Hopefully tomorrow. It's good to hear that they usually come quick, I may sleep better tonight. Thanks
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    Nirvana Fan Club! Share Your Nirvana Plants/Buds/Experience/Anything

    How long does it usually take for seeds to get to the states from Nirvana? I have a pretty decent sized grow room just sitting empty while I wait for my seeds.
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    my first time growing indoor cannabis lot of pics and +rep for anayone who post :)

    Be sure to let us know how much bud these fine ladies provide you.