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  1. CaliKushSmoker

    Are airstones the best way to aerate reservoirs?

    airstones are better . we all know that... the airpupmp/stone help YES with the oxygen in the solution. it also helps your nutes stay blended nice .. it helps your ph stay more stable..peace
  2. CaliKushSmoker

    Kryptonite OG, Chemdawg D, Sour Grapes Indoor Grow

    nice girls you have there.... good luck with your grow..peace
  3. CaliKushSmoker

    Help Root Rot Help

    To kill root rot use some h202 or florashild from gh ... youll find these items online or in your local hydro store..peace
  4. CaliKushSmoker

    Transporting Rockwool?

    all you have to do is put the rockwool in to the soil .... thats it ... it would be good to let the roots grow a little out of the rockwool...use some good soil like fox farm ocean forst.
  5. CaliKushSmoker

    HI HEllo newbie

    walcome .................what are your questions... i know alot about grwing>>
  6. CaliKushSmoker

    250 watt hps

    i got 8 oz from 4 plant under a 250 watt hps ,but i vegged for a month... nice grow!!!
  7. CaliKushSmoker

    help me save my girls?

    it not the nutes thats dong it.... it the temp of the room.... you need to drop it to 78 f . it will take that shit away . trust
  8. CaliKushSmoker

    White Widow

    google attitude seedbank ..go on the site and search white widow .... then pick one that best for your price range... stay high
  9. CaliKushSmoker

    i got some bluebarry , mk ultra , and mobie dick clones gorwing . what u got??

    i got some bluebarry , mk ultra , and mobie dick clones gorwing . what u got??
  10. CaliKushSmoker

    {Jock Horror) Grow Journal First Grow Ever

    heres some new pics of my babys .. i think there going to live after the nute lock out ... i flushed for two days with fresh ph water and a lil epsom salt.. it stoped the brown spot from reaching the top , but my jock plants still look sick .. its been like four days since i flushed and i put...
  11. CaliKushSmoker

    {Jock Horror) Grow Journal First Grow Ever

    thanks for the post .. im useing gh nutes 3 part floro series ... my ph was at around 5.0 .. when i checked .. could it be a def in cal, mag or iron.. if so how do i fix this ist very bad and it wont go away. i used epsom salt for 2 days whith ph 5.8 ro water . then i mix lacus formula 1/2...
  12. CaliKushSmoker

    {Jock Horror) Grow Journal First Grow Ever

    can any one help me plz... im getting some rust/ brown looking spots on my plant leaves .. I checked my ph when this shit started happening an i was a 5.0 ... so i flushed for 1 1/2 days with ph 5.8, but the brow/rust spot are still there and the leavse that the brown is on are drying/dieing...
  13. CaliKushSmoker

    250 watt hps

    :joint:try dr. chronic seed bank ... i buy from nirvana, but heard very good reviews... im also in the us .. you cant go wrong with nirvana though .. im currently growing jock horror from nirvanashop. so far so good .. check it out...
  14. CaliKushSmoker

    First ever grow: 250 hps/nft gro tank/5 plants-pics

    nice clones what kind of strain is it ?? whitch light is the 250 hps ...? i just order a 250 watt hps shou;d be here friday i can wait . Im currently growing Jock Horror from check my journal...
  15. CaliKushSmoker

    {Jock Horror) Grow Journal First Grow Ever

    1 more spr:joint:outed
  16. CaliKushSmoker

    {Jock Horror) Grow Journal First Grow Ever

    heres some more pices. its been a week and 4 days sents i throw them in water to germ .. and i have a few questions .. first i was woundering why the plant in pic 1 has 6 leaves that pruple along the tips ? 2nd can any one tell me why two plants grew fast/tall/skinny and two grew...
  17. CaliKushSmoker

    {Jock Horror) Grow Journal First Grow Ever

    this is my first indoor grow with hydro ponics .. i odered 10 seed from and got them in 10 days useing a cc. im so happy they came and made it to the U.S. nice and stealthy..:lol: well i spent about $120 on this system .. i have a 2 ft x2ft x2ft / 5-10 gallon resv. EBB and Flow...
  18. CaliKushSmoker

    Planting germinated seeds

    bongsmilie:eyesmoke:i planted them with the crack( lil white thing pointed angeled down} of the seed up... it worked fine for me..4-5 days to spout up..