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  1. Strider9880

    First Real Grow /w pics

    My last picture before I switch over to 12/12 tonight, I can't wait. My girls lately have been growing at least an inch a day it's ridiculous. From left to right: Belladonna, white widow, NLx Skunk.
  2. Strider9880

    How Old and Experienced are you!!!???

    21/beginner I've grown before but it was with shitty lights and we had to ditch them but my plants now are looking fantastic, with alot of help with ppl on this site.
  3. Strider9880

    ak-48 & northern light???

    I don't know about AK-48 but I heard northern lights is. I'm growing NL right now and if you're worried about space it stays reletively short so it should be a decent choice.
  4. Strider9880

    Some sexy porn... =)

    nice node spacing :joint:
  5. Strider9880

    will ladybugs eat spider mites?

    yes they will lady bugs are good for your garden. As soon as i started my grow a shit load of lady bugs were in my grow closet, I was happy.
  6. Strider9880

    White rhino and s.a.g.e. n' sour grow

    Cool setup I'll be watching this grow for sure
  7. Strider9880

    First Real Grow /w pics

    Alright guys and gals some updated pics. I took 2 clones from each one of my ladies 3 days ago and they're looking good but no signs of roots yet. I placed them in 2x2 inch rockwool cubes with a humidity dome and a heating pad underneath with two 2' flouros. As soon as I see them root I'm going...
  8. Strider9880

    To Smoke or Not to Smoke?

    Ive heard from the guy that owns harvestmoon hydroponics(an 11 store chain on the east coast) that it's bad for plants in general to smoke around them but he was talking about ciggarettes but it might apply for weed too, then again it's just what one guy has told me.
  9. Strider9880


    Yep they're good bugs, I have tons in my closet and I don't know how they got there.
  10. Strider9880

    First Real Grow /w pics

    Newest pics of the girls. Well 2 for sure girls. I need help with my belladonna though guys I took a new pic today and it seriously doesn't look like it has balls. I made a post and everyone told me that my plant was male for sure but it's covered in white hairs now. I think what people saw...
  11. Strider9880

    White Widow My First Grow

    Nice job man they're looking fantastic, how long do you plan on vegging them for?
  12. Strider9880

    First Real Grow /w pics

    Is my belladonna hermie? :-| I know it has white hairs but I'm having trouble distinguishing if it has balls or not.
  13. Strider9880

    First Real Grow /w pics

    on another note my roommates told me the cat puked up a big party of a leaf lol, serves him right he's my biggest obstacle this grow :evil:
  14. Strider9880

    First Real Grow /w pics

    Thanks I hope so. I know on quite a few leaves they have brown/yellow tips and edges but I highly doubt I am over feeding them. If anything I'm underfeeding them only give them around 1/4 to a 1/3 the recommended dosage of my nutes, I'm worried about nute burn being it's my first grow.
  15. Strider9880

    First Real Grow /w pics

    the first picture on the left, but it might be a hermie. I made a post on thinking I saw balls but I cut off what I thought was the balls and they aren't really growing back and now it has white hairs. my WW and NL x Skunk are both girls
  16. Strider9880

    First Real Grow /w pics

    Updated pics on plants day 45
  17. Strider9880

    Greenhouse White Widow, First Grow!

    the soil came apart because the roots didn't get to the bottom yet, there wasn't anything holding it together. What I've done before was moisten the soil a little, not soggy and pretty much cut the cup away from it. The leaves on my WW first starting were screwed up but they came back nicely...
  18. Strider9880

    I'm stumped on this one ¿

    that sucks man, I just hope my others don't turn out the same way, well one of them is feminized... well should be.
  19. Strider9880

    I'm stumped on this one ¿

    alright thanks for the input guys i got more but i was really hoping there was a chance it wasn't.
  20. Strider9880

    I'm stumped on this one ¿

    ok here we go, remember I've had this under a 400 w MH light running 24/7. it's only on the top few internodes too, not on most of the plant.