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  1. Garden Boss

    nuggs 2016

  2. Garden Boss

    nuggs 2016

    Incredible start :cool: :clap:
  3. Garden Boss

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    @treemansbuds I got a dozen+ gmk hiding in the hills. Guerrilla girls :)
  4. Garden Boss

    nuggs 2016

    Sweet Jesus :clap: gonna be an epic year.
  5. Garden Boss

    getaway seeder/outdoor/greenhouse grow 2016

    @Joedank @nuggs I dont know about you, but I could use a scoop of lobster meat on a toasted hotdog bun... ;-) Hope things are going well @getawaymountain good vibes your way buddy. I got one of your seahash about 2ft tall, about to put outdoor :weed:
  6. Garden Boss

    Anyone cut lights yet?

    If you need more, cloneboss has PLENTY :cool: lol
  7. Garden Boss

    Anyone cut lights yet?

    I got 3 of your gmk planted... Gd beautiful plants.
  8. Garden Boss


    No feelings hurt, just don't want to scare people with misleading info. We had the option of leaving it stand, but his road wouldn't be signed off. Much love, life is good for the cloneboss:cool:
  9. Garden Boss

    Anyone cut lights yet?

    Had my girls outside since the 11th, no lights :bigjoint:
  10. Garden Boss


    Whatever...I just dont want people thinking 'they' came after me because I simply had a greenhouse, it was our own poking around for road permits that caused demolition.
  11. Garden Boss


    My greenhouse was only hindering my landlord from legal road improvements... Nobody bothered me until he went in for his own permits, then the county pulls up Google maps right then and there.
  12. Garden Boss

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Grape ape smells purps AF...btw
  13. Garden Boss

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    I love that big diy greenhouse... Shes beautiful.
  14. Garden Boss

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    @doublejj and other maxsea users. MaxSea now available in 50lb bags.... Significant savings vs the 20lb bucket.
  15. Garden Boss

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Ground, IMO. I would even till up a few shovel loads of good soil under each pot.
  16. Garden Boss

    I love Oregon! Dr.D81 growing under the sun

    Im along for the show, kick ass man. I still need a bck cut, on your next trip thru :cool: That was some excellent smoke.
  17. Garden Boss

    2016 Spring BBQ Sat 4/23

    I even stayed later than normal, :) Ps I gave out Yoda ;)
  18. Garden Boss

    2016 Spring BBQ Sat 4/23

    @MjMama did :)
  19. Garden Boss

    2016 Spring BBQ Sat 4/23

    Candy train... That sounds right.
  20. Garden Boss

    2016 Spring BBQ Sat 4/23

    I got a unlabeled baby in a red solo cup, no drain holes. Any ideas what that one is?