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  1. B

    Importent breeding question!

    Hey everyone. I do all of my growing and breeding outside at the moment. I ran into a little snag at one of my breeding sites. I had a male plant from my most popular breed pollinating another one of my strains. When the breeding cycle was over for the male I did what I always do. I rip the...
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    Goddamn airplanes!

    Yeah the problem this year is the cops have a big hard on for weed. This is been the best growing season for many years in my state. Everyone growing up here has monster plants. Its hard to get those nice twelve feet trees growing up here with the short growing season. In all the newspapers and...
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    Goddamn airplanes!

    Yeah around this time of year I have a hard time controlling the paranoia. I've been lucky for the past couple of years. When they do the checks in my state they hammer an area for 2-3 days and then move on. I guess I'll know if I'm busted if the cops come this week.
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    Goddamn airplanes!

    Hey everyone. Was just wondering if anyone else in southern maine area has noticed all the damn planes flying around? I tryed to find info on when they are doing the aerial inspections but have had no such luck. They have been buzzing around my grow area HARD for the past couple of days. I don't...
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    foliar feeding

    I am a big fan of foilar feeding. I use a couple of different blends depending on what stage the plant is in. I tend to use a base mixture of fish emulsion and seaweed and then add other organic nuts depending on the grow stage. I always mix my nuts under full strength. Frequent light feedings...
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    Slugs Destroyed My Plant

    I put copper tubing around my plants. It keeps the majority of the slugs away. Putting a thin layer of crushed rocks around the base of your plant will also help.
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    whats wrong?

    Haha thanks a bunch. In my early days of growing I found I did more damage to my plants when I started freaking out about them not doing well. I've learned to just relax and take it easy.
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    6 foot beast, 1.5 lb yield?

    Getting a 1/2lb from 3 footers happens all the time..... from people who have grown from many years. Depending on where you are growing (indoors, outdoors, physical location if growing outdoors) there are many factors that come into play. Not every strain responds the same to the different grow...
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    This plant look like it would yield one pound, am i right?

    That was going to be my guess. Hopefully those are super dense buds. If not you've got a super fluffy 2oz of bud.
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    whats wrong?

    I'm not really seeing anything majorly wrong with that plant. Yeah it might have gotten stressed a little bit during the transplant but I wouldn't worry about it. Think of it this way, your other plant will finish up, you will go through the drying process, in about 2-3 weeks your other plant...
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    outdoor budding

    Easiest way to speed up the budding process is well... not to think about it. I know it sucks watching buds form. It's even worse when you want some nice green to smoke. Just keep giving them their nuts and let mother nature do her thing.
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    6 foot beast, 1.5 lb yield?

    Couldn't have said it any better. Don't beat yourself when your first grow doesn't meet your expectations. If you keep at it you will learn the tricks of the trade pretty quick. Keep asking questions and you will learn a lot faster. For your first grow if you manage to get 1/4lb from each plant...
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    1 plant: yield estimate? rabbit problem? pics included

    Depending on your location maybe one 1/8-1/4oz bud. You would have to have a decent size single bud to hit those numbers with a small plant.
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    Super purple buds, past and current grow pics

    Those are two of my own personal strains. I have been developing the two for the past 5 years now. They are both hybrids. My purple strain has a real nice sweat smelling smoke. Super smooth when taking bong hits. It has a good couchlock high to it. Great for pain relief and if you need to get...
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    has any 1 used organic seasol or aquaticus products ??

    As for the brands you have mentioned above, I'm not to familiar with them. I live near the coast in the northeast and buy locally produced fish emulsion and seaweed nuts. They all have different NPK values depending on the concentrations of fish emulsion and seaweed they use. The two that I...
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    Super purple buds, past and current grow pics

    Just took some more pics. The sun was way to bright in one of the pictures. Would have helped if the plant was not so damn tall. Let me know what you guys think. I'm up in the northeast.
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    yes it is possible to take clippings from a flowering plant. It will be a pain in the ass because you need the clipping to go from flowering to a veg state. It will take longer then if you took clippings from the plant in a veg state. Good luck!
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    Super purple buds, past and current grow pics

    Hey guys. I have yet to post any pics from some of my grows up in the northeast. One of the pics is kinda blurry but there is no denying that its some nice purple bud. The purple buds where from three years ago. The other pics are this years girls. I took these pics at the beginning of July...
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    Flash floods...

    I never used to use foliar feeding in my grows. When I got into having a "legal" garden (tomateos, peppers corn, etc) I started to use fish emulsion and seaweed for foliar feeding. What a difference it made with veggies from my garden. So three years ago I decided to try it on some of my females...
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    Flash floods...

    Whatever you do don't add any more water to the root system. Let them dry out completely before starting to water again. In the meantime get a spray bottle and mix up a batch of weak nuts to spray on the leaves. Spray the leaves around dark. Just mist them, don't soak them. My plants got flooded...