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  1. KingInDaCloset

    Seedling won't grow straight

    Sounds like a happy ending (or beginning) to me. One last note...the clearer the tupperware or dome the better, you already knew that though Huh? Happy Gardening! GrowIT!:weed:
  2. KingInDaCloset

    Seedling won't grow straight

    Hi, The light height is fine as long as the leaves aren't looking heat stressed. Are you covering the little sprout with a dome or at least the cut off bottom of a liter soda bottle with holes poked in it? If that sprout is not covered it will have a hard time rooting. It needs LOTS of...
  3. KingInDaCloset

    Seedling won't grow straight

    Are you using fertilizers? Is there a chance it has a fungus? Is the soil staying soggy? Just wondering...Happy Gardening! GrowIT!:weed:
  4. KingInDaCloset

    Problem with plant?

    Hi, so what else are you doing? How often are you watering? How often and what kind of nutrients are you using? Are you using a foliar spray of any kind? In Dirt or Hydro? How close are the lights? Etc. See what I'm getting at? Happy Gardening! GrowIT!:weed:
  5. KingInDaCloset

    Need ph help from pro's

    Hi, A question...Why are you dumping 'pH down' into the mix? Here's an idea. Check your pH after you add your nutrients and leave out the pH down. What are you using to measure pH with? If your water out of the tap is nearly pH neutral it should follow your added nutes shouldn't take you too far...
  6. KingInDaCloset

    Powdery Mildew

    LOL! Thanks for the education, but I already have read up on the 'food grade' Potassium salts used for fungal control. It's just a choice, and we disagree, no worries. Sure I trust the FDA, they never do anything that would intentionally hurt someone huh? They're always on top of things huh? No...
  7. KingInDaCloset

    Powdery Mildew

    Though some folks use systemic fungicides to treat Powdery Mildew I would really be reluctant to ingest in anyway a bud or food that was treated at some point with a systemic. It's pretty much always going to be 'IN' the plant in order to do it's job. So that means by inference, that it will...
  8. KingInDaCloset

    What can I use my trimmings for?

    Hi, Yes you can make a weak tea from fan leaves but it's better to use the shake you trim from around the buds. THAT'S where the THC is. I've had the best results doing this: First I gently toast the shake at about 200F for 10 -15 minutes to activate the thc (it'll work even if you don't toast...
  9. KingInDaCloset

    Light green spots?

    Hi, The light green spots can be a lot of things, such as: Lights too close, keeping your soil too wet despite your seemingly reasonable frequency of watering, pH imbalance in the soil that causes nutrient lock out leading to deficiency symptoms, Not enough light/Lumens and in turn not enough...
  10. KingInDaCloset

    green dragon- why cant we just microwave the bud

    Go for it. Big idea being you want to gently raise the temps to around 200 F or so to activate the THC. Use a lower power setting than 'High'. Say low or medium for 10 seconds at a time until they're getting warm. My brother and I used to take fresh buds and heat them in the micro wave and then...
  11. KingInDaCloset

    First time indoor grower w questions! PLEASE HELP!!!

    Sweet, You can get it a lot closer which is great because the Lumens really increase the closer you can get. Still, if the light feels hot to the back of your hand held at sprout level, it's going to burn the sprouts too.:weed:
  12. KingInDaCloset

    First grow 10 day old clones not doing too well

    Hi, Sorry, they don't look too happy for sure. When you were using the 1000watt light did the plants get too hot by any chance? I'm kind of assuming there's no cooling duct keeping it cool or is there? IS the peat pot and associated mess been kept soggy at all? If $ is an issue try the CFL...
  13. KingInDaCloset

    First time indoor grower w questions! PLEASE HELP!!!

    Hi: You can veg your plants under a lot of different lights . A HPS has the spectrum that's condusive to flowering in particular but regardless if you leave the light on for 18 hours and off 6 you will veg your plants just fine. 1000watter's are hot and so start the light far enough away that...
  14. KingInDaCloset

    Powdery Mildew

    Hi, *warning novel follows* what are you using to circulate air in the room? Just the venting fan that's hooked to the hood? Not enough if that's the case. My grow gets powdery mildew too. (stick with Serenade it IS the best! Use it every 7 days and I apply it sometimes with a foam...
  15. KingInDaCloset

    Small Space Anti SLIME setup help needed...!!

    Hmmmm....well I would clean the crap out of the whole system, everything, dish soap and water. Finish cleaning everything with a dilute solution of clorox in water. Then rinse again. Might have the slime living in the pump, or tubing that re-circulates from the pump, or even in the lid edge. If...
  16. KingInDaCloset


    Hi, I would not use anything too acidic on the new plant, I assume you've got a good pH pen or something to test your reservoir solution pH eh? Was there a pH spike in your nutrient solution for some reason? Do you change your nute solution once a week? Do you 'top off' the reservoir during the...
  17. KingInDaCloset

    powdery mold...close to harvest

    As a side note, when I was first starting out I was reading Jorge Cervantes book and looking for a remedy for the PM and he recommended Baking soda in water. He said to make a concentrated solution of it but I didn't see any recipe on the page he where he was talking about it so I thought he...
  18. KingInDaCloset

    Difference between T12 and T5????

    Hi, I'm not sure if there's any difference in Lumen out put but for a closet I like the low profile and the plants LOVE the spectrum.:weed:
  19. KingInDaCloset

    How much molasses to use?

    In soils use it towards the end of the flower cycle, I use it outdoors the last month. It feeds the beneficial soil organisms that break down and release the nutrients in the soils for a final push of nutrients. You CAN over do it though and end up feeding destructive molds and mildews in soils...
  20. KingInDaCloset

    2X400hps or one 600W hps??

    You'll do just fine with 1 600 watt with a hood that can have an exhaust fan attached to it. 2 400 watt is a waste of energy & $ and will heat things up more. The space is too small for them IMHO. Why only 4-5 plants? Veg them 3 weeks after cloning and then flower them to reach a height of...