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  1. MattMA

    Yellowing lower leaves during 12/12

    They are only at day 39 today and from what I gather they should go somewhere around 63 days
  2. MattMA

    Yellowing lower leaves during 12/12

    So the yellowing is now spread to almost the top of the plants here is a pic of what I just saw at lights on
  3. MattMA

    Yellowing lower leaves during 12/12

    And last night I actually bumped it up to 2.5 per each plant
  4. MattMA

    Yellowing lower leaves during 12/12

    I meant to say 1.75-2 liters per plant sorry
  5. MattMA

    Yellowing lower leaves during 12/12

    No that was right before I watered them ... I water usually about .75 liters per 7galpot when they are thirsty usually evey 2-3 days but I make sure to water till run off
  6. MattMA

    Yellowing lower leaves during 12/12

    So any advise to help prevent this on my next grow?? I already feed veg nutes 2 weeks into flower (and these didn't seem to stretch at all for some reason maybe 6-8" tops)
  7. MattMA

    Yellowing lower leaves during 12/12

    Ya I know n is bad to add this far into flowering but I'm thinking these will go around 60 some days just don't want to hurt my yield to bad
  8. MattMA

    Yellowing lower leaves during 12/12

    Last time I checked it it was 6.8 and right Around 680 or so ppm
  9. MattMA

    Yellowing lower leaves during 12/12

    Sorry I tried uploading more and it's taking FOREVER for some reason ... Anyway I guess my question is how to add N to the equation and is it ok to do that in flowering or is this from the leaves not getting enough light bc it does seem to be affecting the side of the plant in the corner and the...
  10. MattMA

    Yellowing lower leaves during 12/12

    So I have 5 ak 47 xtrm plants that have been in 12/12 for 35 days today ... They had some yellowing of the lowest leaves early on in flower so I hit them with an extra dose of n (advanced sensi grow a and b plus sensi cal which is 4-0-0) Any way now they are starting to get worse and it seems...
  11. MattMA

    Electric bill

    Ya they r def worth the money I paid for them .... Kinda wish I got air cooled hoods tho so I didn't have to run an ac unit
  12. MattMA

    Ak 47 xtrm day 33 12/12

    Oh and here is my 29 plants I have in the veg area right now too they are: 11 ak xtrm clones I took from the 5 above 5 ak xtrm fem seeds 5 lsd fem seeds 5 amnesia lemon fem seeds 2 sensi star fem seeds 1 strawberry blue fem seed Oh ya one of the ak clones is in a dwc bucket as a mini side by...
  13. MattMA

    Ak 47 xtrm day 33 12/12

    Wanted to share my girls with someone so I figured online was the best place to show them off ... They r ak 47 xtrm on day 33 of 12-12 started from feminized seeds 80 days ago. They are from ams supposed to be a white widow ak cross?? Sorry for the hps being on but they are all white hairs...
  14. MattMA

    Electric bill

    I think this is my cost issue leaving that thing on 24/7 in a climate controll thermostat plug ... At $0 .16 kWh
  15. MattMA

    Electric bill

    Here ya go
  16. MattMA

    Electric bill

    They are the cheap htg supply ones I believe they were like $125 each or something
  17. MattMA

    Electric bill

    Ya I'm using one spare bedroom as a perpetual grow room... I have a tent w 2 x 1000 hps cool tubes inside and then I have 4 x 400 hps (open hood, non air cooled) I also have a little florecent light I think is 2x55 watt in my closet that use to root clones .... I use 3 inline fans a 4" for...
  18. MattMA

    Electric bill

    Ya I'm gonna switch out my portable ac for another window unit tonight I'm going to pick up at 10,000 btu fridgadaire for $100 off cl tonite
  19. MattMA

    Electric bill

    Ya .19 is crazy high!!! Those scammers keep coMing and knocking on my door and they come at like 10pm and its always this ghetto girl that comes and asks to see my electric bill and I always tell her to kick rocks but she is so dumb to come to an apt in w ghetto ass area at 10pm saying This is...