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  1. KineBoisin420

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    No Veg, m8...its a 12/12 f.s. comp.
  2. KineBoisin420

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    Saturday night, here's my update. They're 10 days old. :)
  3. KineBoisin420

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    Is that a 3x3 tent you got there, m8? Looks like the pair of LED's cover it well...
  4. KineBoisin420

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    Holy premature ejaculation, twice in a row! Too bad you're having to pull out so early, again. lol o_O
  5. KineBoisin420

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    Just look at the sig. :)
  6. KineBoisin420

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    Like a true drama q̶u̶e̶e̶n̶ dawg. :P
  7. KineBoisin420

    Hyroot's Garden

    CBD Crew and Resin are reliable CBD genetics producers.
  8. KineBoisin420

    XGS, Organic Hydroponics, solo cup tray

    I'll try to get some pictures to you tonight after the tent wakes up. But, wow, the growth on these PB's is pretty phenomenal. We've just crossed the 4 week mark, and are working on the latter half of the cycle. The flowers are quite developed, like they would be in a true hydro system. But I'm...
  9. KineBoisin420

    Hyroot's Garden

    For realz? I know of many companies that claim to have proper cbd rich genetics, but its always a crap shoot whether they actually do or not. I have come to not trust most seed companies claims on cbd, other than a select few that have proven their mettle.
  10. KineBoisin420

    XGS, Organic Hydroponics, solo cup tray

    Whew, that was close...I could have come down to my room to a disastrophe. I got super enthusiastic about changing out my res, tho it didn't need it (stop thinking, brain), and I forgot to re-connect my pump to the plumbing after I was done poking around under the lid. I had gone about a day...
  11. KineBoisin420

    Hyroot's Garden

    M8, those IG's sure have a nice footprint. I'm watching with rapt attention. Do you use straight LED elsewhere? I'm curious if you've ever done a comparison...curious how the IG grows, compared to others.
  12. KineBoisin420

    Hyroot's Garden

    And with a bowie knife! How MacGyver of you!
  13. KineBoisin420

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    Damn awesome, m8! Especially looking forward to the updates from the innovators, this round. Lets see some more out-of-the-box thinking. :)
  14. KineBoisin420

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    You need to buy 50 or 100 at a time...thats how they're packaged. They're cheap as chips though...don't you have a walmart or grocery store near you?
  15. KineBoisin420

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    I see Sandy forgot to carry forward this rule from past comps, so you're lucky this time. :mrgreen:
  16. KineBoisin420

    XGS, Organic Hydroponics, solo cup tray

    Funny, I took a quick lookee into the res, and things still look quite clean and clear down there, so I decided to skip the res change and simply dump another 40L of water into the res. I also pulled out one of the PB's to see how the bottoms of the buckets were doing, and I had a nice looking...
  17. KineBoisin420

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    You do mean 3 Feminized seeds, since you fully read the rules of the comp, right? It's solo easy, eh?
  18. KineBoisin420

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    3/4 of mine are my own cross.
  19. KineBoisin420

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    I think its easy, you may think its easy...its not as easy as it looks, or more than 20% of the entrants would finish their cup, comp after comp. And I stuffed your 3g result, with mine in the last comp. :bigjoint:
  20. KineBoisin420

    ADVICE Wanted --- Veg with t5 then flower with LED?

    I still use a 4 x 54W T5HO panel for vegging, but its mainly because I bought it many years ago, and its served me well, with minimal bulb replacements. However, I will eventually phase it out for LED...just no rush to do so, while it still suits my needs well. I like being able to have a...