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  1. Jalan42510

    Starting to see Signs of Nute Burn. NEED HELP!!

    Are you adjusting your ph to around 6.1. It is phosphorus deficiencies. Looks to be partially difficient and partially locked out. I would flush with 1/4 strength nutes. At least 1/2 gallon of water. Try to test the ph of water run off. Ps. I strongly do not believe this is a result of over...
  2. Jalan42510

    Russet Mites

    I just went through broad mites. They were the worst. I thought everything was wrong until I noticed the bugs.
  3. Jalan42510

    leaves turning yellow and turning brown at tips cheese plant

    That is nutrient lock up. It was probably caused from to much food after noticing yellowing. Cal/mag is what you need but you have to ph the water to 5.8-6. Coco has no cal or mag added. Unless your nutes are for coco you need to add it to your feed.
  4. Jalan42510

    What's this deficiency ?

    Your plant will not be able to absorb nutrients if your water or medium is locked up from a ph imbalance. Just ph the water and give no more than 1/2 the recommended amount for nutes. If your using coco or rock wool you will need to add cal/mag as Chuck says.
  5. Jalan42510

    What's this deficiency ?

    Make sure your ph is at 5.8 to 6. Check your run off if in soil or coco.
  6. Jalan42510

    Broad mites!

    White hairs starting to form on destroyed buds after broad mite removal. I would gladly have spider over broad anyday....
  7. Jalan42510

    Broad Mites!!

    Yep, they came from a clone. They were at a dispensary looking bad. There was not visible signs of spider mites or anything else one would look for, so I offered to bring them back to life. I cleaned the clones up good but I did not see the broad mites. The broad mites got to the main garden...
  8. Jalan42510

    Broad Mites!!

    This wa indoor. They are gone. I had to be quite aggressive to rid them. They got a pyr bomb
  9. Jalan42510

    Broad Mites!!

    Broad mites are the worst thing my garden has seen since the beginning...Now they are gone!
  10. Jalan42510

    Growing on...

    Growing on...