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  1. FreedomWorks

    The Freedom To Be Fat..Does Government Have The Right To "Outlaw" Unhealthy Foods?

    What I think you meant to post is " You will lack common SENSE decision making in the addiction." Oh Okay nice guy. :roll: Is it my fault I can't ever understand you because your grammar is terrible?
  2. FreedomWorks

    The Freedom To Be Fat..Does Government Have The Right To "Outlaw" Unhealthy Foods?

    Your argument suggests that people can do whatever they want SO LONG AS IT COMPLIES WITH EVERY ASPECT OF OBAMACARE. That's the problem - Obamacare. It's not the insurance companies unilaterally deciding to change coverage and policies and doctors. They are ordered to comply with the new...
  3. FreedomWorks

    The Freedom To Be Fat..Does Government Have The Right To "Outlaw" Unhealthy Foods?

    People do it every day. There is nothing the government can do to regulate drugs, suicide, guns, or junk food. They will tell you they can stop it, BUT THEY CAN'T
  4. FreedomWorks

    The Freedom To Be Fat..Does Government Have The Right To "Outlaw" Unhealthy Foods?

    I already have. By taking away their patients. I've listed numerous citations. The problem is you're a moron, so it can't absorb into your skull full of moosh
  5. FreedomWorks

    The Freedom To Be Fat..Does Government Have The Right To "Outlaw" Unhealthy Foods?

    What? It is difficult to understand you at times .
  6. FreedomWorks

    The Freedom To Be Fat..Does Government Have The Right To "Outlaw" Unhealthy Foods?

    That's an opinion. Some people choose not to put restrictions on the word freedom. It has many synonyms. Personally, I believe the word should be used as liberal as possible, if people should choose that right, freedom, liberty, etc.
  7. FreedomWorks

    The Freedom To Be Fat..Does Government Have The Right To "Outlaw" Unhealthy Foods?

    So everything in those links sounds good to you? People losing their doctors, and doctors losing their patients because of Obamacare regulations? That's not a strawman, it's answering your damn question retard. How many people are going to die because they have a lapse in coverage, switch...
  8. FreedomWorks

    The Freedom To Be Fat..Does Government Have The Right To "Outlaw" Unhealthy Foods?

    So everything in those links sounds good to you? People losing their doctors, and doctors losing their patients because of Obamacare regulations? That's not a strawman, it's answering your damn question retard. How many people are going to die because they have a lapse in coverage, switch to a...
  9. FreedomWorks

    The Freedom To Be Fat..Does Government Have The Right To "Outlaw" Unhealthy Foods?

    Just because you say it, doesn't make it true I have enough citations to fill up this whole page....
  10. FreedomWorks

    The Freedom To Be Fat..Does Government Have The Right To "Outlaw" Unhealthy Foods?

    You mean like the right to not be able to keep their patients? Everything that Democraps are not regulating now, they want to eventually. For example, when socialized medicine began in Canada, doctors were not told what they could practice and not practice at first. But a short time later that...
  11. FreedomWorks

    The Freedom To Be Fat..Does Government Have The Right To "Outlaw" Unhealthy Foods?

    No. Stop with the Saul Alinsky political tactics. Stop trying to find ways of creating personal attacks to steer away from the topic. It makes you sound foolish.
  12. FreedomWorks

    The Freedom To Be Fat..Does Government Have The Right To "Outlaw" Unhealthy Foods?

    That's not consumer protection! Obamacare regulates the hell out of doctors. What are you talking about? Obamacare IS THE LAW. That is what insurance providers have to comply with. It's NOT their fault my freedom of choice is being taken away. It's Obama and the Democraps.
  13. FreedomWorks

    The Freedom To Be Fat..Does Government Have The Right To "Outlaw" Unhealthy Foods?

    Do I need to keep answering the same question for you over and over again? :dunce: RE: post #11
  14. FreedomWorks

    The Freedom To Be Fat..Does Government Have The Right To "Outlaw" Unhealthy Foods?

    The itch on my balzac is fat. Conservativism is NOT an ideology. It is the exact opposite.
  15. FreedomWorks

    The Freedom To Be Fat..Does Government Have The Right To "Outlaw" Unhealthy Foods?

    He didn't mention airlines, unless you are suggesting the government take that over too? Let's give the government control over our lives, so that they can protect us from the evil rich people. Let's give away our liberty for a little bit of temporary safety.
  16. FreedomWorks

    The Freedom To Be Fat..Does Government Have The Right To "Outlaw" Unhealthy Foods?

    As much time as you spend on the politics forum, you should have learned a thing or two by now. Does being an Obama Drone affect your ability to absorb information, or do you just choose not to? I have lost my right to enter into a private agreement with my doctor and insurance provider. I...
  17. FreedomWorks

    President Obama Apologizes

    Obama makes it sound like he's sorry we listened to him, and we shouldn't have done that. He's sorry he mislead, but it's not his fault for misleading is what it all sounded like to me. Doesn't sound very sorry. He never went over the sorry part. Weak apology.
  18. FreedomWorks

    The Freedom To Be Fat..Does Government Have The Right To "Outlaw" Unhealthy Foods?

    The fact you would even need to ask a question like that lets you know .... This is not a free country anymore.
  19. FreedomWorks

    IS china threatening us

    I never said that. citation needed It's important not to be over-confident. That's all. You are going WAY overboard on presumptions of me being "scared", just because I KNOW it's smart to have a strong national defense. You're an idiot because of a few different reasons. 1. You think America is...