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  1. GKID69

    Little girl is showing female Characteristics Help.

    yea bro shit 50 strains is ALOT lol i think i ran 3-4... BAHA u are a pro in my eyes so i better take all the advice i can get :D im gonna update every here and there im gonna take all the advice u gave me ill give her some nutes as soon as i feel she needs some h2o and ill leave her be under...
  2. GKID69

    Little girl is showing female Characteristics Help.

    Im pretty sure its a Auto Flower Strain lol but i had a bunch of seeds left over so im not sure :/ but im like 70 40 on if its auto flower or not.. Theres Good air flow 24/7 a fan is blowing in my grow space And i have around 5-6 CFLS around 150 Watts
  3. GKID69

    Little girl is showing female Characteristics Help.

    Will do shes tiny lol but will update later tonight or tommorow gonna go out 2 night and get messed up :D
  4. GKID69

    Little girl is showing female Characteristics Help.

    sounds good ill give it a little feed. Its crazy tho i mean i dont smoke i used 2 smoke alot but last yield i got from an auto was around $1,000.00 i mean thats probably nothing 2 you but im young and a Grand is pretty good for someone like me lol. Ill take ur advice tho and next time im gonna...
  5. GKID69

    Little girl is showing female Characteristics Help.

    Thanks man, I wasn't in the best of moods when i posted that 1st thread so my anger got the best of me. My PH meter actually broke a month or 2 ago i left it in a stupid spot and someone took it and broke it, & i havent gotten around to buying a new one. But i do have some Nutes from my last...
  6. GKID69

    Little girl is showing female Characteristics Help.

    I dont wanna be a dick either sorry we got off on the wrong foot. Thanks for your input, ill leave it under Veg Lights and see what happens. At this time im not feeding it anything she was to small usually i start feeding them when they've gotten a bit bigger then this. I only water maybe...
  7. GKID69

    Little girl is showing female Characteristics Help.

    So my plant is very young and alrdy showing female characteristics. I'm pretty sure it's a auto flower should I switch my lights over to flower or can I leave her be and she will grow a Little more? Thanks Id greatly appreciate it if you didn't say my plant looks like crap. Just wanna know if i...
  8. GKID69

    Little baby already showing white pistols??

    So my plant is very young and alrdy showing female characteristics. I'm pretty sure it's a auto flower should I switch my lights over to flower or can I leave her be and she will grow a Little more? Thanks
  9. GKID69

    Cpl weeks old alrdy showing white hairs???

    Another gay response? How typical of a loser stoner with no friends n sits on rollitup 24/7 lmao
  10. GKID69

    Cpl weeks old alrdy showing white hairs???

    I have buddies on here besides the fact that ur gay ass and a bunch of other simple minded fags it's a nice website. So fall back and how bout u hop off my nuts and my thread do u not have anything better to do?? Fuxking loser I'm embarrassed for u
  11. GKID69

    Cpl weeks old alrdy showing white hairs???

    No wonder ppl talk so much shit about roll it up ppl are so fucking stupid.
  12. GKID69

    Cpl weeks old alrdy showing white hairs???

    I hate amatuer fuxking kids telling me my shit is stressed grow a cpl plants then tell me what's up. This is my 4 plant to date over all yielded over 6-7 ounces with newbie equipment. Don't bring ur yapping to my thread if u don't know shit and u just repeat what someone else has told me slow as...
  13. GKID69

    Cpl weeks old alrdy showing white hairs???

    Last time I came on here dudes told me I should toss my plant. And it turned out to be my best plant yielded over 3 ounces yall stupid as fuck
  14. GKID69

    Cpl weeks old alrdy showing white hairs???

    lol its gonna look yellow when theres a bright ass yellow light right next to it
  15. GKID69

    Cpl weeks old alrdy showing white hairs???

    color of plant is fine.. May be drooping due to over-watering a tad..
  16. GKID69

    Cpl weeks old alrdy showing white hairs???

    LAST TIME same shit happened and it turned out to be my best plant. So IDK what ur talking about
  17. GKID69

    Cpl weeks old alrdy showing white hairs???

    EXPLAIN stress theres ZERO stress
  18. GKID69

    Cpl weeks old alrdy showing white hairs???

    I KNOW THAT sounds really stupid of me to ask but why so early compared to last time??
  19. GKID69

    Cpl weeks old alrdy showing white hairs???

    i think it may be auto flower.. last time i planted a auto flower same strain i got around 2-3 ounces. does this mean its alrdy gonna start flowering on its own??
  20. GKID69

    Cpl weeks old alrdy showing white hairs???

    It's inside idk why or how it could be stressed tho. It's under 5 lights fan blowing 24/7 and gets H20 whenever I feel it needs some water