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  1. GKID69

    Is 61 degrees during drying ok?

    My temp is now 72 degrees with 31% humidity is that good? How can I increase humidity?
  2. GKID69

    Is 61 degrees during drying ok?

    Yes no? Lol thanks and around 32-35% humidity
  3. GKID69

    yield estimation

    yea wait up more ppl will probably say im wrong or something lol but u should def wait for other ppls opinions
  4. GKID69

    *ps3 gtav online crew recruitment*

    Hey whats up :finger: lol JK This is a simple thread where u can recruit some ppl to your crews on GTAV (PS3 only) My crew is OBTI (One Bullet Thats It) The crew consists of 13 members, me my cousin and 3-5 others play on a Daily basis so you can always join up with us. We prefer you be at...
  5. GKID69

    yield estimation

    no pic 2 they look awesome just that 1 in the corner and a few spots that wont really hurt ur plant unless u do something about it lol :D Hope u keep it up and update when shes flowering some Stanky Dank
  6. GKID69

    Lemon ku$h :D

    lol when i read ur responses i feel really dumb.. From what ur telling me its perfectly fine right now for the buds to smell like hay or what have you.. Its untill ur done drying and have cured for some bit that it will then start to smell like some good ass weed.
  7. GKID69

    purple leafs?

    lol 3 cats in this thread
  8. GKID69

    yield estimation

    in pic 1 they look like they all are having trouble lol by pic 2 all look healthy :D except the one in the upper right hand corner and a cpl other bad spots u just gotta fix those problems b4 they get worse
  9. GKID69

    Lemon ku$h :D

    what do u mean by if they smell good when ground up??
  10. GKID69

    yield estimation

    im just gonna take a wild guess and say like maybe 1-2 ozs.. Some of ur plants look like they are dying IMO jw whats going on?
  11. GKID69

    fuck a duck, this ones a male, isn't it?

    so much mail today
  12. GKID69

    the smell of Weed...

    all this info really helps thanks a bunch to every1 :hump:
  13. GKID69

    New setup tell me what you think :D

    YEA THAT makes sense. If anything what i do is i transfer my baby(s) from their small beginning pots to like 3-5 gallon pots so u dont have to worry or get frustrated about transferring again when u start to flower or whatever bc they will start growing Fast lol
  14. GKID69

    New setup tell me what you think :D

    sounds good remember its also good to throw in some 6500ks while flowering :D
  15. GKID69

    New setup tell me what you think :D

    looks good :D IMO id have 4 on the top and 4 on the bottom just to even out ur lighting
  16. GKID69

    Ps4? Xbox 1?

    ps4 has computer graphics if not better
  17. GKID69

    the smell of Weed...

    iN THE 1st part you said "this is the time you can not rush or it will bit u in the ass. If you dry to fast it will smell and taste like leafs , hay or yard clippings" What do u mean by dry to fast? meaning they are way to wet when going into the jars?
  18. GKID69

    the smell of Weed...

    so its normal for it to smell like crap lol b4 u cure it? makes me feel a bit better. For most of you how long do u dry? 3-5 days? or longer?
  19. GKID69

    Lemon ku$h :D

    thanks man :D me 2. Hope she smells and smokes good lol Anyway to make ur buds smell and taste better? lmaO :fire:
  20. GKID69

    Why am I not high?

    ur thinking about it to hard IMO