Search results

  1. C

    Temperature issues (1K HPS, 400 CFM fan, 106 cubic ft. space)

    You are correct in your thought process (and I would doubt the advice of that grow shop). The best place for your filter/fan is near the top of your tent. In a 4x4 tent, you should have plenty of room. Word of caution: fans and filters are heavy. You should test the tent first to be sure it can...
  2. C

    Carbon filter inside or outside?

    Most carbon filters are more efficient and will last longer when sucking through the filter (mounted in the grow area). This is because any dust or other fine air-born particulates are trapped in the prefilter (which is replaceable) and not in the carbon. Unless you're in a really small area...
  3. C

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    This forum is really helpful. Thanks. I recently found a really good nutrient deficiency chart that's also made it easy (and quick) to monitor and correct nutrient problems in my grows. Figured I'd share... Check it out: :weed:
  4. C

    Good Morning From Boston Masschusetts

    Nice job! That cherry looks awesome.