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  1. SaucyAussie

    First Post: Harvest Time?

    Thanks! That means a lot coming from you blokes! :) She's right at 89cm (35 inches?) tall., the cola is about 8cm long and about 9cm in diameter. Any guesses on dry weight?
  2. SaucyAussie

    First Post: Harvest Time?

    I really don't know, it was bagseed but from a pretty good bag. Small, round buds with long red hairs, fluffy and dry with a fair amount of seeds but that's because I think it was a commercial crop grown in the Outback heat. The pH has been kept strictly at 6.3 and I adjusted the soilless with...
  3. SaucyAussie

    First Post: Harvest Time?

    BTW, is it normal to take this long? I went to 12/12 on May 5. Thanks for the advice, really helpful! :)
  4. SaucyAussie

    First Post: Harvest Time?

    I can't seem to quote for some reason. I got one of the microscopes exactly like the one shown here. I haven't had much luck with it, too shaky and hard to steady. I got some jewelers loupes and they work pretty fair.
  5. SaucyAussie

    First Post: Harvest Time?

    Scratch that, since the FIRST RED HAIRS she's only had water and 200 PPM nutes. :)
  6. SaucyAussie

    First Post: Harvest Time?

    Thanks! The max concentration I gave was 1000 PPM, a gallon once a week. Since I went to 12/12 she's only had water and 1 gallon of 200 PPM nutes with no grow nute, just flower and micro. She's had a gallon of water since then. Max temp inside is 85°F and usually not over 83° F. The smell used...
  7. SaucyAussie

    First Post: Harvest Time?

    Anyone? Please?
  8. SaucyAussie

    First Post: Harvest Time?

    OK, here are the pics (that was some work):
  9. SaucyAussie

    First Post: Harvest Time?

    OK, I figured out how to remove the data but I don't know how to upload pics and I don't want to post them on a third-party site.
  10. SaucyAussie

    First Post: Harvest Time?

    Hi, I'm new and this is my first post. I've been ultra paranoid about signing up but I had to do it. First of all, I want to thank everyone for all the rippin' info here! I've been steathily perusing the forums here and I gathered enough info for my first grow. I'm very small potatoes and...