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  1. Genocide420

    Smoke em if ya got em!

    Hey all at RIU, I've had an account for sometime, never posted much but I am getting into the habit of checking this place every night or every other night. :) Spring time is coming around and I plan to start growing a couple plants... shit is just getting to expensive to buy anymore. Nice to...
  2. Genocide420

    I have a new love for ketchup

    ask anyone who lives in the south. .we put ketchup on everything!
  3. Genocide420

    New Messages

    You know, I didn't even see that. That's basically what I was talking about.. sorry bout the confusion, new guy on the block :)
  4. Genocide420

    New Messages

    I'm new here, but I was thinking.. I play Modern Warfare 2 with a group of friends and on our forums we have a something that lets our accounts know how many new messages have been posted since our last visit. You click on it, and it directs you to another page that has the name of the thread...
  5. Genocide420

    Weed & Memory loss

    if you zone out on shit then yea.. if you focus you will remember what your reading or learning.. it has to do with your state of mind I think. Say your pissed off, when you wanna smoke you wanna get high as shit right? That's when you'll zone out on shit. If your just going for a casual high...
  6. Genocide420

    Human RIU FLASH event... Has this been done?

    man...fuck the police....stupid shit like "They were walking around spraying everybody. I had it in my mouth, and it burns your throat." Police Chief Lynn said the accidental spraying of some children was unavoidable." smoking weed makes you chill and calm.. not start a riot lol.
  7. Genocide420

    what to do when you got the ganja blues?

    dude... weed is a social thing.. you smoke it to socialize with people (sometimes you dont) but theres a line, if they keep saying they're saving it till tomorrow fuck them. The way we did it, if you had something to bring to the table then you got in on everyones bud. If you didnt have anything...
  8. Genocide420

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    dude.. im down here in oklahoma and i make trips to texas all the time! pounds down there are 300 a pound.. i pick up some from time to time. and sell a half pound and smoke for free. really good bud!
  9. Genocide420

    What did YOU just smoke??????

    Wtf is Timewarp? Sounds like something I should try... On a another note, I made a bad ass mini-water bong out of a Dasani bottle last night. It doesnt look very pretty, but it hits like a champ! Nice and smooth, and if you have the patience you can melt down ice cubes to throw in the bottom...
  10. Genocide420

    What did YOU just smoke??????

    I have a half of White Rhino left >:o I just smoked a joint of it, and I am fly highin. dum dumm duummmm. Chewbacca playing baseball isn't normal..... haha I laughed my ass off at that!! =D
  11. Genocide420

    Paranoia to the max

    dude... thats part of being a teenager.. if you walk past a group of people and they're laughing, you automatically think they are laughing at you huh? 80% chance they arent ;) the world revolves around you, do whatever you like (not exceeding any moral or illegal boundries ofcourse) and...
  12. Genocide420

    Worst drug ever

    Meth is by far the worst drug. 'Ice' is considered a methamphetine, so it falls into the category of 'meth'. The worst thing about meth is that it addicts you and you dont even know it. I smoked it for 6 months (ya, i know its not that long) and it was fun but you didnt know you were hooked...
  13. Genocide420

    Whats your smoking style?

    I lived in Alkmaar (town about 30 min north of Amsterdam) for 2 years and thats what we smoked all the time. 3/4 weed and 1/4 tobacco, the bud was so sticky you would have to constantly re-light it just to smoke it, thats the reason for tobacco, it , keeps it all burning. I smoked the first...
  14. Genocide420

    Whats your smoking style?

    I lived in Alkmaar (town about 30 min north of Amsterdam) for 2 years and thats what we smoked all the time. 3/4 weed and 1/4 tobacco, the bud was so sticky you would have to constantly re-light it just to smoke it, thats the reason for tobacco, it , keeps it all burning. I smoked the first...
  15. Genocide420

    I Lost My Virginity When I Was...?

    dude dr.drew used to come on 104.5 the edge down this way! that show was bad ass
  16. Genocide420

    What do you like to smoke out of?

    what is a knife hit? ive only heard of doing that with Hasch
  17. Genocide420

    Amsterdam Mushrooms

    ask someone in a coffeshop. im sure they can point you in the right direction, i honestly dont know. Its been a year since ive been there so you know how things change :)
  18. Genocide420

    Amsterdam Mushrooms

    Having lived there, you can buy "fresh" ones, the dry shrooms are the illegal ones.
  19. Genocide420

    Boneman's Kali Mist & Columbain Red Haze "coco coir grow"

    dude if your serious i would love you forever xD its really really dry down south.. im payin 35 for 7 grams of commercial :S its COMPLETELY dried down here thank you for the welcome btw :)
  20. Genocide420

    Boneman's Kali Mist & Columbain Red Haze "coco coir grow"

    dude if your serious i would love you forever xD its really really dry down south.. im payin 35 for 7 grams of commercial :S its COMPLETELY dried down here