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  1. W

    hELP, MY PLANT LEAF has holes.

    I check it daily, this only happened after I sprayed the bottom cola tips with collidal silver. Before this, this was my best easiest fastest healthiest growing out of all of them and now it is the worst.
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    hELP, MY PLANT LEAF has holes.

    Checked no found bugs, this is Inside my home, and so far no bugs found.
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    hELP, MY PLANT LEAF has holes.

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    hELP, MY PLANT LEAF has holes.

    Yes, I read online that it should make them 99.9% female seeds.
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    hELP, MY PLANT LEAF has holes.

    I've upoaded two Pictures. I do not know what is going on, out of the 15 plants that I have the one that is known for being the best grower that I call fat lady has a leaf that has holes on her, I have been flowering them all about a little over a month, and so far fat lady has been the only...
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    Smart pots vs Air pots?

    I understand what your saying, but wouldn't the rootbuilder II fix any cons of either of them since it seems to be both fabric and with those plastic holes all in one.
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    Smart pots vs Air pots?

    I am using smart pots, but after reading reviews, forums, and this article found here: it seems that the smart pots are the oldest and least satisfactory of...
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    Is there any harm in just letting them bud out for as long as possible? Does it decrease high?

    I know it probably sounds silly, but my first ever grow that I did was a DWC and I did not know when to harvest and was not going to check with a scope because I have bad eyes and my gf with perfect vision was asleep. The next morning I go to check on them and they all look wilted to death, I...
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    Is this really male?

    oletimer50 Is The voter.
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    Is this really male?

    They supposed be Public.
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    Is this really male?

    I've lost count. I few weeks so far. They are free from a dispensary I am a regular at, they were in with the weed they were selling.
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    Is this really male?

    I am not sure if two of my plants are male, I have already chopped down 2 out of my 15, and they seemed more than obvious that they are male when I chopped them down. But I am not sure completely on the other two. So I have attached photos of the ones that I am not sure of. Please confirm for me...
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    Ok, they are looking kinda better, I watered on August/19/2014 Then feed on August/21/2014 But then I saw something I never saw before, and I thought I could mention and show a picture and see what everyone thinks it is. I saw a little bit of crispy on a leaf of one of my best looking plants...
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    Ok, distilled Best then?
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    Well the reason I watered them that last time when I did, is because I wanted to give a good flush incase it was getting nutrient lock from the over feeding of nutrients, I realize I added water to a plant that was already over watered, but I wanted to get one last in of H202 so it can clean the...
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    Ok, gave them H202. Now just waiting for them to become bone dry, then will transplant them all. Will post pics in future after transplant, and give update, thank you everyone for all advice, and if you have any thing last to mention, please do so, your typing time will not be wasted, I will...
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    So how this happen? Was it too much light? Not enough light? Light to close? Or too far away? Too many feedings? Or not transplanted soon enough? I was going to transplant all of them, but then I saw the youtube video from and it showed the plant she transplanted as way bigger...
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    I've got lots of pre made H202 in an air tight container, can I just use that to water with? Or only distilled water?
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    Ok, I heard that when you transplant you should not water them for 2 days before transplant ,and your saying to only use water, ok. So starting today I should start watering them without any nutes for a week, and then after that week, I should not water them at all for 2 days, and then I should...