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  1. ganjaman94

    Liquid egg shell fertilizer

    Do any of you know where i can get it in the uk or any good alternatives? We're limited here.... Also how often would i use it? Thanks :)
  2. ganjaman94

    Liquid egg shell fertilizer

    Hi, I'm about to start my first grow, i'll be using bio bizz grow & bloom. Because i'm new to this i don't want to mess it up especially as i'm growing for the oil to help someone's cancer. I heard that liquid egg shell fertilizer helps neutralize the pH so i was thinking of adding the bio...
  3. ganjaman94

    Dinafem Seeds Industrial Plant & Cali Connection Blue Dream Haze

    Alright thanks a lot for your help guys, i'll def be growing those freebies :weed:
  4. ganjaman94

    Dinafem Seeds Industrial Plant & Cali Connection Blue Dream Haze

    Hi, I ordered a pack of 10 seeds from attitude seeds yesterday and qualified for 2 free seeds Dinafem Seeds Industrial Plant & Cali Connection Blue Dream Haze. I'm pretty sure these are the seeds that no one wants so they give them away, are they any worth growing and using resources on? What...