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  1. bb61

    Homebox mini (303060 cm), DIY LED 54W, active intake/outtake + DIY carbon filter

    See now I feel dumb, that was the one I didn't click cuz it said data. I was like "I don't wanna see no damn data" lol. Looks damn nice sir
  2. bb61

    First ever grow - Fridge grow

    From what I've read droopy leaves is either a watering issue or not enough light.
  3. bb61

    Reku's 2.20 Cab Grow-DWC VS. Mirical Grow, and there off!

    My lights go on at 6pm and I usually can't check on them till about 7 so my door to that room is locked until then. But from 7 onward that door is open with a fan blowing my ac air towards it and by lights out its down to about 84-86. I'm still thinking about making my own co2 soda bottle.
  4. bb61

    Reku's 2.20 Cab Grow-DWC VS. Mirical Grow, and there off!

    Looks like your getting about the same temp as I am... 93.
  5. bb61

    My stealth doublestacked rubbermaid

    She was looking good in That's My Boy
  6. bb61

    My stealth doublestacked rubbermaid

    Well my original was Diane Lane but she's not that old so.. I'd do Susan Sarandon she's 67 So other people know... We're talking about old chicks we would bang
  7. bb61

    Double stack Rubbermade Grow. From Seed - Noob 1st Timer

    I wouldn't have used that much nutes. I'm sure they'll be fine though. Where the hell do you get a 4 gal milk jug? Who uses that much milk lol
  8. bb61

    My stealth doublestacked rubbermaid

    Since the high jacked couldn't stick around... I'm officially high jacking my own thread!! I'd bang Betty White while listening to the Golden Girls theme song KiQzUEc_FmI After watching that... I think she's immortal... All the other ones are dead... And she looks the same
  9. bb61

    Reku's 2.20 Cab Grow-DWC VS. Mirical Grow, and there off!

    Looking good. That pot is going to be big enough for both plants?
  10. bb61

    My stealth doublestacked rubbermaid

    Not bad for a first timer huh? I wish I would of vegged one more week and not cut off that one branch on accident. I would of had a bud site at every spot on the screen. I wonder if I should do a soda bottle co2 thing since I'm getting a high of 93f (34c).
  11. bb61

    My stealth doublestacked rubbermaid

    Man, I checked on my ladies this morning..... A lot more hairs coming out, I'm starting to get a little excited!
  12. bb61

    My stealth doublestacked rubbermaid

    Day 24 of flower So for the last couple days its been about 105f + outside (40.5c+) And I've been struggling to keep my box under 95f (35c). I removed one lightbulb and moved a fan closer to my intake and got it to about 88f (31.1c). Unfortunately, I got some tip burn. I'm glad we're almost at...
  13. bb61

    Double stack Rubbermade Grow. From Seed - Noob 1st Timer

    Damn that sucks I take it you're ok. I may be wrong but I think your plant is showing nitrogen deficiency
  14. bb61

    First Grow Questions.

    There's too many things to list that you could grow in. Your best bet is pick whatever you want to grow in. Then read grows that used the same and you'll get a good idea. Go simple for your first grow and be prepared to adapt. Everyone has preferences some like miracle grow and some make their...
  15. bb61

    First Grow Questions.

    I can't give advice on that, you'll have to wait for someone who has experience with that to answer.
  16. bb61

    Reku's 2.20 Cab Grow-DWC VS. Mirical Grow, and there off!

    I was thinking about trying DWC but I wait till I have a few grows in.
  17. bb61

    First Grow Questions.

    I got FFOF, nutes I'm using are Buddha Grow and Buddha Bloom. I can't speak for any other nutes, as I haven't used anything else. I slowly started about 3 weeks in every other watering.
  18. bb61

    First attempt at a stealth cabinet - Advice needed

    That is looking sick! Can't wait to see it in action