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  1. LegalizeDaBud

    Here's my elephant in a 18 gallon and another strain in a 17 gallon

    You seriously think this jungle gym is much more worthy than my cabinet? I would say they about even out..
  2. LegalizeDaBud

    550W room, SOG? Awaiting super lemon haze and purple widow

    It least I am growing quality.... And just by the way you worded your setup sounded insane, then all we get are little pics of shit. So basically my pics VS your pics.. Way better, unless I see the grow room you are actually talking about.. It's not how many plants you have, its how good you can...
  3. LegalizeDaBud

    Last Thing You Like To Feed

    Tobacco, from direct use kills an average of 5 million people a year. Marijuana, from direct use really has no recorded death, ever...
  4. LegalizeDaBud

    First time grow. Help with a trubble plant. 10 Days from seed

    Vegging plants like warmth and humidity, perhaps raise the humidity, temps seem to be okay. Is your light somewhere up at the top of your tent? I can't see it.. Unless it's in that silver thing.. :s Also what kind of soil are you using?
  5. LegalizeDaBud

    Re-potting recommendations

    I would stay with a regular potting mix, easiest way to go about it unless you want to experiment by all means giver. 5g is a good size, what kind of setup do you have? Are you planning on vegging for a couple months?
  6. LegalizeDaBud

    Here's my elephant in a 18 gallon and another strain in a 17 gallon

    I think the problem with this thread is that there is a huge paragraph about a wicked sounding setup, and then underneath there is just a few random pictures from over the years... Don't make no sense! :p
  7. LegalizeDaBud

    Here's my elephant in a 18 gallon and another strain in a 17 gallon

    1 400w hps.. 2 foot plant, larger buds than what you got their and it aint even done.. Don't make no sense!
  8. LegalizeDaBud

    Bubba Kush finally harvested + a few pics

    Did you put that weed in the jar right after cutting it down?
  9. LegalizeDaBud

    HPS vs Metal Halide

    That is weird because my hps burns way hotter than my mh
  10. LegalizeDaBud

    My Very First Grow... The Doctor

    Nice setup, definitely need some air movement in there. In flower try keep it below 80. In most places outdoors temps reach over 90 during the summer time, should try keep it 85 or lower for veg but make sure you have a fan or 2 blowing that air around good. And make sure you have air intake -...
  11. LegalizeDaBud

    New microscope, 60-100 power HELP

    Was just about to post that until you did. That is probably the easiest way to check.
  12. LegalizeDaBud

    BLACK RHINO KUSH (Blackberry X White Rhino) CFL GROW HARVEST !!!!

    Well I have been doing what you will probably hear most and that is the dry/jar cure. After drying for a few days, stem should make a slight crack noise when bent, don't let it dry to much as to where the stem cracks and almost breaks off. Once the stem cracks slightly and buds feel a little...
  13. LegalizeDaBud

    BLACK RHINO KUSH (Blackberry X White Rhino) CFL GROW HARVEST !!!!

    What Kind of underground tips do you expect to get? Tips are tips, use them if you want. The interent is filled with different ways of doing things, you seem to generally know what you are doing, take what you have learned and gain more experience. It seems you live in an apartment so I assume...
  14. LegalizeDaBud

    550W room, SOG? Awaiting super lemon haze and purple widow

    Thank you. That is my intake, or where the air is being sucked in.. (unless i have them backwards.. or do you? lol) Well I have seen a few videos and threads of people using just one plant even with a big sog net above and filling like every hole.. Fill all the holes in veg then switch to...
  15. LegalizeDaBud

    550W room, SOG? Awaiting super lemon haze and purple widow

    Yeah I am not sure either. I was not going to do it with those small plants, but the next batch. I assume it's just to fill out all the squares from the net or whatever you put over top. I think any plant would work but I could be wrong.. The board that is dividing each space can easily be...
  16. LegalizeDaBud

    550W room, SOG? Awaiting super lemon haze and purple widow

    Just recently finished my new project. 400w hps bulb for flower. 150w hps bulb for veg(its all the dam store had, sure it will still work) Waiting for seeds to arrive in the mail to get started. Super lemon haze and purple widow, with a bunch of free seeds as well. Will be doing 3 plants at a...