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  1. M

    My General Hydroponics feeding schedule for use with a WaterFarm bucket

    Awesome man, I would appreciate any feedback or info you have about it!
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    My General Hydroponics feeding schedule for use with a WaterFarm bucket

    Hi Folks, I've had a few successful grows using GH products , but I've also had some pretty unsuccessful ones as well. If you are like me, and using a Waterfarm bubble bucket , you might be having some issues trying to dial in the nutes and such. The instructions on the label and website are...
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    Lets try this again - T.H. Seeds Burmese Kush ( BUKU) 400w hydro grow from seed

    I totally agree! A good cure can go a log ways :) I've still got some BubbleChunk curing in a jar as well as a lot of Black Domina too :) A bad cure can also go a long ways towards ruining your weed that is definitely important to remember. Just don't put your weed into the jars too...
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    Lets try this again - T.H. Seeds Burmese Kush ( BUKU) 400w hydro grow from seed

    So, it's been 6 days since I chopped. It's dry enough to smoke-test and share some thoughts :idea: In my opinion if it doesn't smoke & taste good at this point, the curing process ..while necessary for sure...does not magically make it do a dramatic turn around. If it tastes like's...
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    Lets try this again - T.H. Seeds Burmese Kush ( BUKU) 400w hydro grow from seed

    Looks pretty Incredible! Sniff....sniff......oh what could have ( and should have ) been. Thanks for sharing!
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    Lets try this again - T.H. Seeds Burmese Kush ( BUKU) 400w hydro grow from seed

    nice! Congratulations on being one of the few who have had success with the BUKU. I had no problem getting them to pop...and they grew like champs...but hermied. Do you happen to have any pics? I'd also like to see some pics of the OG18 too for comparison.
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    Lets try this again - T.H. Seeds Burmese Kush ( BUKU) 400w hydro grow from seed

    I got the Albert walker as a clone from a local "nursery". I did get lucky and had two cuttings that I took which both rooted, so I'll be keeping this strain around for a little while
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    Lets try this again - T.H. Seeds Burmese Kush ( BUKU) 400w hydro grow from seed

    Albert Walker Harvested! Woohooo ;) She finished up a bit quicker than expected, but that's fine. Final pics and a smoke report in about 10 days or so ;) Due to flowering the clone when it was very small, it's wet weight when harvested was ~120 looking at about 3/4 of an oz or so...
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    Stinkbudd1's 600watts~soil~earth juice~brew tea grows!!

    Subbed up stinky. I've heard mixed thi gs about the earth juice so I will be interested in seeing it's use journaled! Good luck brotha!
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    Stinkbudd1's 600w Kush Exstravaganza! Featuring: Buku, Killing Kush,Kushage,Darks

    Nice dude! They are lookin good right out of the gate....lets hope they stay strong!
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    Lets try this again - T.H. Seeds Burmese Kush ( BUKU) 400w hydro grow from seed

    Albert Walker @7 weeks: Started flushing the AW with plain water today...she's lookin great ;) Some very tight and solid buds. Smells outrageous when I squeeze them slightly...can't wait! Pics turned out a bit blurry this time...sorry. OG18 @ 18 days flowering: Now this stuff is growing...
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    T.H. Seeds Burmese Kush - 3 weeks from planted seed

    Hey there! I'm definitely going along for the ride. I wish you luck! Also...check out my sig for a second run at the BUKU as well!
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    600w Perpetual Ebb & Flow Dyna-Gro Barneys Red Dragon... Help plz... Grow

    Same here....I go for 5.8 during veg/most of flower and slowly raise it up to 6.0 or 6.1 by the time I'm ready to harvest. I also add fresh non-ph'd water back into my res as well. Mine will typically go down to 5.6 or so over the course of 1 or 2 days and I'll have to raise it back up a lil.
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    600w Perpetual Ebb & Flow Dyna-Gro Barneys Red Dragon... Help plz... Grow

    Yea, that's what I've been hearing ( about the PH stability of DynaGrow). I'm adjusting the PH daily or sometimes even TWICE a day using GH nutes.
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    Stinkbudd1's 600w Kush Exstravaganza! Featuring: Buku, Killing Kush,Kushage,Darks

    DAYUM Son! Those are looking fan-effing-tastic!
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    Lets try this again - T.H. Seeds Burmese Kush ( BUKU) 400w hydro grow from seed

    So, earlier I mentioned that I also had a cut of some "Chem Bubble" and some "Heirloom Bubba" that I picked up from the nursery. I put the Chem Bubble in some MG soil ( gonna use her as a mother ). When I got the clone it was tiny, and it had a very purple stem...I'm not sure what that...
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    Lets try this again - T.H. Seeds Burmese Kush ( BUKU) 400w hydro grow from seed

    Same here! I'll pop on over to your journal to get some inspiration as well. I took a clone of "heirloom bubba" and have it in soil right now. I'm using BlackGold all-purpose mixed with some vermiculite/pearlite and picked up some "Jacks Classic" nutes. Fingers crossed!
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    600w Perpetual Ebb & Flow Dyna-Gro Barneys Red Dragon... Help plz... Grow

    Subbed up :) been thinking of switching over to dynagrow from GH.
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    Lets try this again - T.H. Seeds Burmese Kush ( BUKU) 400w hydro grow from seed

    I plan on taking the AW to 8/9 weeks. That's what I was told was the finish time by the nursery where I got the clone. Depending on my patience and what the plant is telling me, I'll let it go to the end of the 8th week, with a proper 2 weeks of flushing. However, it's possible that I'll...