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  1. M

    Dual Grow, Miracle Grow & CFL with AK48 and Power Skunk

    Gave them all water today, the bigger ones I gave 64 oz (1,2 and 4) of water and the smaller 32 oz of water (3). 1 is 18 days old 2-4 are 15 days old, #3 was the smallest to germinate, seems like its lagging from the others 1 and 2 are AK48 3 and 4 are Power Skunk This is the first time I...
  2. M

    Buds for Less - CFL BOOK

    i am currently using the book and I can tell you that it seems easy enough. You dont water all too much, there are not nutes (since it is Miracle Grow Potting soil with nutes) and he uses CFL's. I have six plants (4 AK48 and 2 Power Skunk) that I am growing. I am about Day 18 when I just...
  3. M

    Welcome!!! ONLY Miracle Growers are Allowed.. Everybody else?...go play on a highway

    Unfortunately, I agree. This was supposed to be a tread about MG growers learning not a bashing session. Shit, I am trying to learn and every other post is about how wack MG is. Tell that to my 6 plants. They seem to be fine.
  4. M

    Welcome!!! ONLY Miracle Growers are Allowed.. Everybody else?...go play on a highway

    I do not understand why people talk shit about MG. Look is it the best, no. Is it easy to duck it up, yes. But the shit cost $6 a bag, easily available any most important, people have grown with it. Hating does nothing. Don't like MG, cool but don't hate the cats that are using it. I bet some...
  5. M

    Dual Grow, Miracle Grow & CFL with AK48 and Power Skunk

    More pics from this morning. Gave them a cup of water each and they seem to like it. First one is 11 days, the rest are 8 days.
  6. M

    Welcome!!! ONLY Miracle Growers are Allowed.. Everybody else?...go play on a highway

    I am currently on my first grow using MG (mixed with MG perlite 2:1) and wanted to get a sense of how often you water your plants. I was using the cycle from "Grow Buds for Less" but I am going to be in flower longer and he basically waters once every 10 days which seems odd (not in the...
  7. M

    Welcome!!! ONLY Miracle Growers are Allowed.. Everybody else?...go play on a highway

    I wish mine look like that after 7 weeks. I am still in neg though. Looks really sweet
  8. M

    Dual Grow, Miracle Grow & CFL with AK48 and Power Skunk

    Here are some pics of them from the other night. Not even a week old and they are growing fast.
  9. M

    The Hempy Collective

    Here are pictures from day 15 in hempy cups. I am not sure what the issue is but hoping to get some answers. They have since open a new set of leaves (they are very small in this picture) Any ideas.. I am going to start feeding next week with either foxfarm or florabloom.
  10. M

    How many CFL's for 9 plants?

    I am using 12 23w CFL's for 6 plants in veg but I will flower with a 400 HPS :lol: Rippey
  11. M

    The Hempy Collective

    I am currently using Miracle Grow perlite with no issues really. MG has very little nutes in it and if anything my girls are looking a bit deficient. I will post pics in a few, have to find my camera.
  12. M

    Dual Grow, Miracle Grow & CFL with AK48 and Power Skunk

    Hey all, I am currently working on a Hempy grow, now two weeks old. I am doing a parallel grow with miracle grow potting soil (mixed with perlite 2-1) with some AK48 and Power Skunk, all growing under CFL's. I will post pics later but all seeds have germinated and hit the dirt today. My...
  13. M

    Miracle Gro Potting Mix

    I did mix MG potting soil with Perlite, I did a 2-1 mix but I did have a perlite base (about an inch and a half). I then used a peat plug to plant my germed ak48 and put it all under 2x27w 3200 lumens lights. I will do another AK48 and two Power Skunk the same way. Once they sprout, I'll post...
  14. M

    The Hempy Collective

    Watering, just make sure that the roots are getting water. this is like a 'light'watering. when I do this (especially in the beginning) I am only watering to make sure the roots are getting water since they are not reaching the rez (the part under the hole) Water Heavy means that you are...
  15. M

    The Hempy Collective

    1. You should only use water the first three weeks. I am on week two and only using water. I can tell you, they grow SLOW when u put the seed in perlite alone. My next hempy, I will start in a peat pellet then go from there. BTW, I use spring water and I do not ph anything. I am not going...
  16. M

    The Hempy Collective

    the temps in there was at 83-85 before the fan but now the temps are pretty stable at 76 (it has been on for two days at those temps)
  17. M

    The Hempy Collective

    I got two girls in a hempy cup right now. They seem to be growing, slowly but they are moving. One of them has some burn on her; I got a fan in there and temps are 73-36 degrees. I use spring water and do not water them too often. I am not adding any nuts and the mg perlite does not have much...
  18. M

    First grow using Hempy, CFL and MG

    Nine days since they sprouted and they seem to be doing okay. I got a fan going to keep the temps between 73 and 76 degrees and they seem to be growing nicely albeit slowly (but that is known seeding in Hempy). One of my plants seems to have some burn spots on the tips of her leaves but she is...
  19. M

    Miracle Gro Potting Mix

    i plan on mixing my MG with Perlite, not quite 50-50 but I will mix it and have a perlite base. I think this would make it easier for me to grow in it. I was going to add vericulite but was told it may make the soil too spongy. Rippey
  20. M

    Welcome!!! ONLY Miracle Growers are Allowed.. Everybody else?...go play on a highway

    I think because most people think that only a newbie would consider growing in MG. I do not agree (although I am a newbie) but it seems like there are several experienced growers using MG with great results. Like anything else, your miles will vary. Rippey