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  1. emilyXcore


    yur right about the mylar n white paint other than that nothing else will do for vegging i use the day light cfls they have the bluish tint to them... yu should check out the diy section here they have all kinds of great info i love yur avatar nothin better than family guy n a hoot rod lol hope...
  2. emilyXcore

    the ghetto grow..

    thats the beauty of it lol
  3. emilyXcore

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    hey sorry for the double post but i just posted a essay or whatever on my journal about the ghetto reflector i keep babbling about. Pics included. have a look
  4. emilyXcore

    the ghetto grow..

    picture 8 shows the best inside view i should have lit the bowl after i picked out the pictures lol o n it says crad lol crad board say it out loud
  5. emilyXcore

    the ghetto grow..

    i took a surge protector made sure it was strapped to the piece of wood a lil longer than itsself.. brought a crad board box.. sized it up to fit around the wood.. now i used duct tape which is ghetto lol but when yu tape it down the card board will go straight so take a little piece of the...
  6. emilyXcore

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    OMG I love it!!! i love our creativity and our low budgets!!! C Dawn that is grreat!!!
  7. emilyXcore

    2 late 2 LST???

    my girl is n her second week of flower nothin to extreme ive LSt'D some branches so other branches will get light.. yu think they will be ok? any info wood be mucho appreciated :bigjoint:
  8. emilyXcore

    the ghetto grow..

    hey guys i ended up ordering cheese and bubba kush.. i do plan on just cloning for awhile crossing my fingers that i can make it happen im so stoked.. anywho ive been alternating the super bloom with water every 3 days... ive done some research any 411 on these strains... im gonna go with soil...
  9. emilyXcore

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    is this a community?? b/c i wood so join!!! i cant wait to put some pics up i just made a reflector hood out of a cardboard box!!! GO GHETTO or go home!!! mwah hahah
  10. emilyXcore

    the ghetto grow..

    jus wanted to do a quick update.. ive been using the super bloom.. every 2 days it hasnt been a week yet but she is starting to swell ill have piccs this weekend im super stoked.. i was also thinking of ordering bubba kush and big bang seeds.. nothin to crazy.. wood it be a bad idea to germ...
  11. emilyXcore

    the ghetto grow..

    thanks ya much cruzer! yesterday i started the super bloom started with 2 tps.. she seemed to like it.. 1 more payment on my car and shes mine!! that will be an extra 400$ sweet jesus what will i do.. i plan on saving 200$ of it every pay check and the other 200$ will go to my garden.. soo...
  12. emilyXcore

    the ghetto grow..

    they look scrumpcious!! i cant wait other pictures give me hope lol what kind of set up do yu have if yu dont mind me asking
  13. emilyXcore

    the ghetto grow..

    high! how was everyones holiday good i hope i cant believe its almost 2010! sh!t on another note.. i peeked into my cabinet the other day and yet to my surprise i caught 3 young maturing males surrounding my blossoming beauty.. i had no choice but to eliminate the problem.. beings i do not...
  14. emilyXcore

    My plant is poisoned!!! Help!

    yu could try spraying it.. making sure yu get the underneath parts of the leaves because thats where they breathe with just water i rinse mine after spraying them like its a bath dont overkill on the spray hope it helps, good luck :)
  15. emilyXcore

    the ghetto grow..

    yeah so i went to 12-12 on saturday we will see what happens nothing much has changed but its only been a few days.. def been reading my grow bible actually i carry it around the house all day taking notes on my "dream closet grow" lol n the mean time my experiments will continue.. besides...
  16. emilyXcore

    the ghetto grow..

    good morning weed farmers n smot pokers just a quick update.. yesterday was my familys "christmas" shindig my cousin went n got the cannabis grow bible second addition i am so freakin stoked... he also showed me is 400 w hps/mh ballast set up n a grow tent his plants were younger than mine but...
  17. emilyXcore

    the ghetto grow..

    yes i can totally do that! i started bending it cause it was so stretched when it was a young seedling ill send pics from beginning :bigjoint:
  18. emilyXcore

    the ghetto grow..

    well cruzer thank yu for all your knowledge.. i never wood have put it into consideration that the strain had something to do with the size... of course i dont need monsterous plants for my cfls ill be switching to 12-12 saturday so in reality the pots they are in they can stay in?? and i...
  19. emilyXcore

    the ghetto grow..

    sample of my wares question do yu think i could switch them to flowering soon??
  20. emilyXcore

    Starting First Closet Grow - Need Input! PLEASE

    harvest time dude.. get the 6500k bulbs daylight those are best for vegging cfl wise however having a mixture is also not a bad thing 2700k or soft white if yur set on getting an hps yu can look on ebay they have ones for 119 plus s&h and everything matches up.. until then yu still have yours...