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  1. miscbrah3284

    girl scout cookies

    anybody know if any of the clones in Sacramento are legit?? I was going to make the trip to harborside but it's definitely way out of my way....
  2. miscbrah3284

    girl scout cookies

    ^^^My girl scout cookies had a very strong sativa high for a while before mellowing out into a gdp type feel
  3. miscbrah3284

    girl scout cookies

    wow beautiful plant regardless! Looks dank as hell
  4. miscbrah3284

    girl scout cookies

    so as you guys can see from the last two pages ..... gsc is the real deal lol youll know it if you smoke it
  5. miscbrah3284

    Sacramento - Delivery or Traditional?

    im in the area and i hate how so many clubs got shut on my last straw with cc101 though....3 visits with them, 3 problems. first experience: clones had bad gnat infestation and some two experiences i bought 1/8ths and got 3.1g and 3.3g
  6. miscbrah3284

    girl scout cookies

    i do not trust any dispensary that sells gsc....sorry, but there is too much bullshit in this industry, ive supposedly smoked the real deal(never smelled a weed like that before so im sure its possible it was the real deal) but i just dont know how ill ever really know....supposedly some people...
  7. miscbrah3284

    girl scout cookies

    Been seeing clones of this in sac lately at dispensaries...its at CC101 right now $60 a clone, and was at either Doctors orders or true compassion....anybody know if this is the real thing thats floating around in sac?
  8. miscbrah3284

    Anti depressants + mmj? drug interaction? Help please

    just an update since this got bumped: Ive been on Lexapro @ 10mg since the last week of January, and I didnt try smoking again until April. No issues at all. No panic attacks no anxiety. No serious issues with smoking. Now I smoke more than ever and my tolerance is very very high.
  9. miscbrah3284

    100% insomnia relief strain

    i dont get why people think only indicas work for insomnia lol...i have horrible insomnia and my blue dream works better for sleep than any other strain ive smoked....i sleep for 10 straight hours every night i smoke some.....weed in general just helps sleep no matter what the strain in my...
  10. miscbrah3284

    girl scout cookies

    at a club here or budtrader? ive sen em on budtrader but wouldnt trust it....never know what youre getting....same with dispensaries though i guess
  11. miscbrah3284

    Anti depressants + mmj? drug interaction? Help please

    you never experienced any side affects while taking any of the 6 different kinds? thats really lucky....or do you mean while smoking?
  12. miscbrah3284

    Anti depressants + mmj? drug interaction? Help please

    I hope so man. Im not trying to jump around from drug to drug all year. I don't want my life revolving around these pills, but so far nothing has helped
  13. miscbrah3284

    Anti depressants + mmj? drug interaction? Help please

    My xanex is only to be used as needed, meaning if I start experiencing an anxiety/panic attack I can take one but im not supposed to get into a habit of using it....Ive actually cut down on them incredibly and my goal is to not take any for an entire down to 1/2mg now, so maybe the...
  14. miscbrah3284

    Anti depressants + mmj? drug interaction? Help please

    thanks for the reply, great post... I am still in the beginning phase of my anti-depressant use to treat my anxiety disorder....i started lexapro approximately two weeks ago, for the first 4 days i took 5mg(half dose) then on the 5th day i moved up to 10mg(my doctor gave me these...
  15. miscbrah3284

    Anti depressants + mmj? drug interaction? Help please

    cool thank you, i got 2 sour OG's and a purple kush going right now im excited to try.....again, anything that calms you and relaxes you, that way i wont get an anxiety attack as that is what im fighting scared of the sativas, my blue dream brings on anxiety attacks big time since it is such a...
  16. miscbrah3284

    Anti depressants + mmj? drug interaction? Help please

    i started seeing a psychologist, although it was only one time...i had probably the worst anxiety/panic attack thus far when i stepped into his nerves got the best of me i guess. What exactly can they do though?
  17. miscbrah3284

    Vending to Dispenseries any Luck?

    Everybody seems to want/pay the most for the OG's huh? that's what ive been hearing here in the bay.....thinking about getting some reserva privada perpetual going of the og 18 or something
  18. miscbrah3284

    Anti depressants + mmj? drug interaction? Help please

    any good recommendations? Im sure indicas mostly, but im not too hip on being couch locked, just a nice relaxing high that isnt super dream messes me up bad, and started experiencing my first panic attacks while using that. i dont mind taking the xanex, i take such a small dose only...
  19. miscbrah3284

    Anti depressants + mmj? drug interaction? Help please

    thanks for the replies guys, again, the Lexapro was not prescribed for depression, it is a very common and effective treatment for anxiety disorder, which i was diagnosed with.....i stopped smoking out of fear of weird drug interactions....Blue dream is definitely NOT a good one for me, which is...
  20. miscbrah3284

    Anti depressants + mmj? drug interaction? Help please

    Hey guys, got started on anti-depressants for anxiety/panic disorder i was recently diagnosed with....curious if anybody else in here is on anti-depressants and still uses marijuana frequently? Ive stopped smoking since i started experiencing my anxiety/panic attacks....really cant find any...