Search results

  1. DopeyTripod

    My indoor grow box

    cool little grow room man!! clean.
  2. DopeyTripod

    Vocabulary of growing terms/slang

    what does DWC mean??
  3. DopeyTripod

    Day one....First grow.....

    18/6 veg 12/12 for flowering with hps. i would lower yur lights to about 2 feet abouve imo.
  4. DopeyTripod

    LUCAS FORMULA - Hydroponic Grow Journal

    just read the whole journal... GREAT read!! very helpful. you da man!
  5. DopeyTripod

    Skunk #1 Perpetual SOG...5 harvests every 60 days

    what light schedule are you using?
  6. DopeyTripod

    help, 1000w hps for just 2 plants!

    id say no more than 1400ppm if hes a rookie.
  7. DopeyTripod

    Noooooo, Not a boy......PIC

    good advice posted above.
  8. DopeyTripod

    Herb Iron

    I just got it in the mail!! Works great! vaporizes or lights it up.
  9. DopeyTripod

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    This should be a STICKY. great knowledge in this thread.
  10. DopeyTripod

    2 oz's hash

    I guees im both. LOLZ i puff on a J thru out the day for medication. but if im with my homies...
  11. DopeyTripod

    I surrender! The spidermites win this round!

    I know I'm a newb, but the ONE way that has workd 100% of the time I have gotten them fuckers this killed them dead. when it works for you you can thank me then. Taada.
  12. DopeyTripod

    Welcome New Members!

    just checkin this site out!! think i will be visiting this place alot!!
  13. DopeyTripod

    moon shine bud oil ! help?
  14. DopeyTripod

    moon shine bud oil ! help?

    x2 on google.