Search results

  1. cybergreen

    2013 bbq?!

    Already voted . Can't wait to go and finally meet all you guys from RIU. Is this an over night thing or just for the day?
  2. cybergreen

    2013 bbq?!

    I should be able to show up with a friend or two. unfortunately I won't have any smoke to bring because I just got out of the military and wasn't able to grow this season. but I can definitely supply some munchies for you guys. any of you ever had bbq'd duck?
  3. cybergreen

    General Hydroponics go box any good?

    Thanks I appreciate it. I'm planning on ordering two go box's because they're only $30 each.
  4. cybergreen

    General Hydroponics go box any good?

    I've seen a few videos about this and I was thinking about getting it since I'm going to do a small grow soon. it sounds perfect for what I need but I'm not sure about it and I was wondering if any of you have ever used the go box? Do the nutes work? And how well do they work? -cyber
  5. cybergreen

    Space Buckets - CFL + LED, 5gal stacked buckets

    Bump..... For thos of you out there looking for a small grow set up that is also cheap I'd recommend this set up I'm actually doing the same thing right now
  6. cybergreen

    What's the best county/city to live in Cali for a caregiver/med grower?

    I'd say anywhere north of sac is good colusa, sutter, yuba city, chico, paradise that's the area i'm from and it's not too bad here
  7. cybergreen

    Games you've spent >1000 hours playing

    for me it would have to be WoW, Guild Wars, Star Wars kights of the old republic 1&2 and Battlefield bad company 2
  8. cybergreen

    looking for a custom pipe

    Thanks man
  9. cybergreen

    looking for a custom pipe

    really there's no one out there?
  10. cybergreen

    Battlefield 3 let's squad up!

    my gamertag is Cypherpunk add me and i'll get on bf3 anytime just send me a message saying you're from RIU and i'll accept it
  11. cybergreen

    looking for a custom pipe

    hey guys I'm looking for someone to make me a pipe nothing too crazy. mainly want a custom pipe because I thought it would be pretty cool to have one made by a fellow RIU member. I'm willing to pay for it of course so PM me if you're interested in the job and we can go over the details.
  12. cybergreen

    General Organics Go Box

    thanks man I was hoping to hear something good about it. I'm actually planning on only growing 6 plants on my next grow so it sounds perfect
  13. cybergreen

    General Organics Go Box

    So a friend recommended that I pick up the Go box and i've looked it up and have done some research and i'd like to get other opinions on it before I pick it up.
  14. cybergreen

    Iced Grapefruit + Purple Bud

    so I ordered some seeds and I decided to go with seedsman seeds purple bud and female seeds iced grapefruit and was wondering if anyone has grown/smoked either of these strains or had any pics from their grow/harvest. i'm really excited to see how these strains turn out.
  15. cybergreen

    Purple Bud and Iced Grapefruit

    so I ordered some seeds and I decided to go with seedsman seeds purple bud and female seeds iced grapefruit and was wondering if anyone has grown/smoked either of these strains or had any pics from their grow/harvest. i'm really excited to see how these strains turn out.
  16. cybergreen

    Attitude Beans seized at Chicago?? Help expose this asshole

    alright cut it out i'm tired of you guys trashing soldiers. you have no idea who we are or what we deal with all you've done is watch fictional movies and one documentary which was about that one unit so they may have acted like that but that's not how everyone in the military really acts. quit...
  17. cybergreen

    Attitude Beans seized at Chicago?? Help expose this asshole

    you can't just stereotype like that just because their handwriting is shit, it's like saying that they are probably a doctor because that looks like chicken scratch to me. I was a soldier for the last few years until I got out last week and my handwriting is just fine.
  18. cybergreen

    seedsman seeds purple bud

    so I just bought 10 reg seeds of purple bud from seedsman seeds along with a few other strains and I was wondering if any of you have ever grown this strain before? or even smoked it.
  19. cybergreen

    SouthEastern Kentucky, Growing in the Mountains

    I just got back from Kentucky I was stationed out there and I brought some seeds back with me those strains out there are pretty strong and mold resistant I can't wait to set them in some soil
  20. cybergreen

    Late start

    ok so I ran out of fox farm and forgot to pick some up so I went with miracle grow soil and I just dropped some of the seeds into some cups for now.