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  1. ettubrutus

    Thermistor to control blowers?

    Yeah I thought about doing that exact thing, but being limited in the electrical area, I am not sure how to have something like that control an AC powered device...
  2. ettubrutus

    Thermistor to control blowers?

    Ahh, nevermind I just clicked on the link :)
  3. ettubrutus

    Thermistor to control blowers?

    Got any schematics samples?
  4. ettubrutus

    Thermistor to control blowers?

    You rule... this seems to be such a difficult thing to find, at least for me :) thank you for responding!
  5. ettubrutus

    Thermistor to control blowers?

    Any recommendations? I saw thermocubes, but they aren't configurable...
  6. ettubrutus

    Thermistor to control blowers?

    Anyone ever use a thermistor to control fans and blowers based on how hot the room is? Something like this? Thanks!
  7. ettubrutus

    Best shade of white to paint grow room

    They can't see each other too... nature's camo... ;)
  8. ettubrutus

    Best shade of white to paint grow room

    Titanium dioxide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Very high reflectivity... :) thanks!
  9. ettubrutus

    Best shade of white to paint grow room

    Yeah I know, I was looking for the best color :)
  10. ettubrutus

    Best shade of white to paint grow room

    Anyone have any recommendations on the best shade of white to paint the room walls? I'm in the US, so any brand should be possible...? Thanks!
  11. ettubrutus

    Air Exhaust Pipe Max CFM Formula?

    Anyone know of an HVAC formula that will help me best determine the diameter exhaust I should have based on the CFMs I'll be pushing out of it? I am sure it's some cylindrical volume thing, but... anyone?
  12. ettubrutus

    Dying Blueberry!!! 2-weeks Flowering (pics)

    I am tryin' man, I am tryin! :) :bigjoint:
  13. ettubrutus

    Dying Blueberry!!! 2-weeks Flowering (pics)

    after a flush yesterday the plant perked up very well... my temps are in the upper 70s to low 80s... 50%RH...
  14. ettubrutus

    Dying Blueberry!!! 2-weeks Flowering (pics)

    Been feeding a full dose of Earth Juice Bloom, it's 0-3-1 and half dose of Grow 2-1-1...
  15. ettubrutus

    Dying Blueberry!!! 2-weeks Flowering (pics)

    Have a problem with one of my Blueberry plants... it's the second week of flowering, Full dose organic (Earth Juice Bloom) nutes... pH is good, just started drooping terribly, and losing a lot of lower leaves... last flush was about 28 days ago... Any ideas?!
  16. ettubrutus

    Nitrogen Defiency? (pics)

    no that happened before the flush... started feeding them a couple weeks ago... I flushed yesterday... flushed with 6 gallons pHed water, they are 3 gallon pots...
  17. ettubrutus

    Nitrogen Defiency? (pics)

    Just did a flush... got a look at some of the other leaves... still look like salt? Been having a hard time finding a pic from someone else to help me identify it... ack... Thanks!
  18. ettubrutus

    Nitrogen Defiency? (pics)

    I suppose you're probably right about it being salt... I had my first 30-day flush scheduled for 8/11, but decided not to do it as I was just mostly giving them clean water and SuperThrive... some of the soil at the drainage openings of the pot have white all over...
  19. ettubrutus

    Nitrogen Defiency? (pics)

    Hey guys and gals... got a few plants here that are about 55 days old, still in veg... Fox Farms Ocean Forest, pH is about 6.9 last time I checked the runoff... getting some yellowing on the lower part of the plant and just a few brown tips... nitrogen def., right? Thanks, Josh