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  1. logocss

    DWC 2 weeks from seed

    Roots are growing for sure, and staying very white. The plant is growing as well, just some leaf tips curling down and turning brown/yellow..
  2. logocss

    DWC 2 weeks from seed

    I can barely fit a 32 oz water bottle in there let alone a 1L bird. Will I have to weigh it down so it sinks? I just don't want that big ass bitch knocking my roots around and shit.
  3. logocss

    DWC 2 weeks from seed

    Yeah every time I switch the bottles it seems I have temps of 73-75. I have the netpots covered completely with hydroton. I lowered room temp to flutter from 66-70 so hopefully that'll naturally bring it down. I'm now getting yellowing leaf tips on like two of the leaves. I'll be running RO with...
  4. logocss

    DWC 2 weeks from seed

    Yeah I think it's the minerals in my water making things go whacky. Just bought an RO system with a trimeter (pH/ppm/temp) for better, acurate readings. I don't have an EC meter so I don't know the conversion. All I know is that as of now my ppm says 650.
  5. logocss

    DWC 2 weeks from seed

    Could it be evaporation of my frozen water bottles? I'm sure there isn't pH balanced frozen water in them.
  6. logocss

    DWC 2 weeks from seed

    The water's somewhat foggy, I think because of the pH Down in it. But was very clear when I put it in with the nutes. It does have somewhat of an organic smell? I don't want to say algea because everytime I flush the bucket it's completely clear, but it doesn't small like just water.. could be...
  7. logocss

    DWC 2 weeks from seed

    Ill start at 400, and ill end up at 500 the next morning
  8. logocss

    DWC 2 weeks from seed

    I'm having trouble keeping my res temps down. I add a frozen 16oz water bottle to the bucket every couple hours and it'll go down to about room temperature (68-71F). The plant is now under a 400w MH. I added about 1/4 of Cyco Grow A+B with tap water around 200 ppm with 200ppm of nutes. The ppm...
  9. logocss

    DWC 2 weeks from seed

    20 days from seed. This is after I flushed my first time
  10. logocss

    DWC 2 weeks from seed

    Will do tonight
  11. logocss

    DWC 2 weeks from seed

    Im afraid I have a weak stem. Good roots coming through the bottom though. Running at a high 600 ppm with my tap at 300ppm. I have full lineup of Fox Farm and full lineup of Cyco Nutes. Should I add some Cyco Silica to strengthen the stem?
  12. logocss

    DWC 2 weeks from seed

    Pics up. Shoot me any questions I'd be happy to answer
  13. logocss

    DWC 2 weeks from seed

    DWC. Two weeks from BIG BOMB by Bomb Seeds. Hows it look? First grow 11 days 14 days 17 days