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  1. Kelsey20

    Looking For A Paid Mentor

    lol, I was thinking more along the lines of 20 bucks or something. Just asking for a finger pointing at what to buy
  2. Kelsey20

    Looking For A Paid Mentor

    You don't think I could get by with Amazon stuff? I get about $50/day on there and I thought itd be a great use of the credit.
  3. Kelsey20

    Looking For A Paid Mentor

    I wish I was nearby. You guys in CA have all the good resources with grow shops everywhere
  4. Kelsey20

    Looking For A Paid Mentor

    First off, I really want to thank everyone for the pointers....even the stuff that can be "found in any canna FAQ on the internet". It's helped me. Everyone's advice on starting small sunk in. I think I'll go ahead and build my 6x12 room and just use a portion of it for now under one light. I...
  5. Kelsey20

    Looking For A Paid Mentor

    the tents do indeed look easy. Thatd save me a ton of work, but how about cooling? I suppose youd want the area around it cooled? In the scenario Im looking at now, the room im building would be the only area with A/C. Window unit.
  6. Kelsey20

    Looking For A Paid Mentor

    lol, you didn't miss that nail head by far. I wouldn't call it a panic, but there's concern haha. I don't expect to see a profit for a while, but I am banking on this eventually replacing a less than ideal money making strategy. One plus is a fairly steady stream of amazon gift cards, The way...
  7. Kelsey20

    Looking For A Paid Mentor

    Oh I totally feel ya on that. Ive only started on room #1...likely 6x12. Rooms 2 and 3 are projects for the future. On a side note, can anyone tell me if this light is worth a damn? I'll go ahead and get that much coming. Should I be looking at multiple lights for this area...
  8. Kelsey20

    Looking For A Paid Mentor

    I've already considered what youre saying about the 'pods'. The room Im building is the first of 3 planned. I'll try to illustrate with this crappy ms paint drawing... edit: actually the build order would be 1,3,2....but you get the idea
  9. Kelsey20

    Looking For A Paid Mentor

    @massah, nick and illegal.... I totally expected to be noob bashed. Yall are cool as hell. If I were looking to light up a 6x12, by massah's numbers, Id be looking at 2x1000? I've also seen pics of a couple rooms with fluorescents on the side walls....good idea? How many plants should I shoot...
  10. Kelsey20

    Looking For A Paid Mentor

    I'm looking to supplement my income with this project, so I'd like to go as big as possible without breaking the bank. Currently I have about $600 credit on Amazon with more coming in daily. As far as the exhaust goes, I was hoping to use a squirrel cage I scavenged out of an air handler I had...
  11. Kelsey20

    Looking For A Paid Mentor

    I would like to get one of the pro's to give me a little advice before biting the bullet and spending a ton of money. I have done some reading, probably enough to understand terminology and general concepts but I have zero experience. In my line of work, I receive alot of Amazon gift cards as...