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  1. Ole Red Eyed

    Barneys Farm LSD + Tangerine Dream -- 200+ Watt CFL Grow Cab

    Sounds pretty good man.. I might would add a few more watts of light though.. I don't think it will be enough , but I could be wrong
  2. Ole Red Eyed


    They look great man.. nice and bushy.. keep it up
  3. Ole Red Eyed

    yet another cabinet journal

    Nice.. I use sunleaves seabird for veg and humboldt bloom , ginormus and cal\mag.. seem's to work well..heard good stuff about neptunes too.. might give it a shot on my next set of ladies.
  4. Ole Red Eyed

    yet another cabinet journal

    Very nice for 40 bucks.. lol. Looks thick as hell so you could beef up the lights with proper air flow. I need to ditch my rubbermaids for something like that!
  5. Ole Red Eyed

    yet another cabinet journal

    Hell yea! Lookin forward to seeing this among others lol.. what light and how man? Nutes? I've found a good mix for myself and it seem's to be working great.. let see some pic's too.. I need to do a thread myself but I'm in the second week of flower so what's the point.. gl with it
  6. Ole Red Eyed

    bgsixxxniner's 1st grow-cfl's

    Yea.. let us know the status of what's goin on and keep them pic's comin.. what nutes are you using? Might help with the issue.
  7. Ole Red Eyed


    You should be ok with that like you said with a fan.. since the thread is up.. any pic's of them ladies ? Lol
  8. Ole Red Eyed

    Question about CFL's for a 2/3plant closet grow.

    Wow , great setup! If it was me i'd use 26w or just add some to what you have.. remember the higher that watts , the more heat it will create. Can't wait to see how this turns out.. gl man
  9. Ole Red Eyed

    Important CFL question, seed just sprouted.

    Not sure on that bulb , but its worth a shot .. and yes if it was me i'd have them sprouts under light mos def lol
  10. Ole Red Eyed

    84 watts CFL, Bagseed

    Hell yea.. she's looking good bro... I think if it was me I would maybe add a few more lights.. just to boost it up some..
  11. Ole Red Eyed

    Northern Lights CFL grow/Have some questions/all input welcome.

    Might be the strain man... personaly , I've never seen it lol but who know's.. they look great though.. nice and healthy!
  12. Ole Red Eyed

    Couple of cfl's, big plants

    Nevermind on the side's.. I see you have some lol
  13. Ole Red Eyed

    Couple of cfl's, big plants

    For those sativa's you could lst them.. that what I do and it seem's to work well.. you could also add some side lighting that would help too.
  14. Ole Red Eyed

    Couple of cfl's, big plants

    Wow nice set up.. wish I had that kinda space.. lol
  15. Ole Red Eyed

    19 CFL's, GH Lemon Skunk-DinaFem Blue Widow-RQ Amnesia Haze, 2 wks flowering

    No rep for me either man , but you shits lookin good! I have my cfl going on right now so I gotta give ya some prop's on it.. pic's are blurry , but them girl's sure are pretty.. cab't wait to see how this turn's out for ya!
  16. Ole Red Eyed

    First grow guys

    Looks good man... but , I agree.. that's not 300's... graba few more lights for that nice set up you've got going and you'll be on your way!
  17. Ole Red Eyed

    Dj Ruiner and Stoner Princess Party Cup Perpetual Grow x2 +Rep For Stopping In

    Yea.. I just found one that's gonna get built tomorrow.. should work great.. pic's look good btw.. progress is always a plus lol
  18. Ole Red Eyed

    Journel Of My First Indoor Grow(Closet). CFL. Soil.

    Hey bro , just checked it out.. looks great! Love the diy filter.. I'll keep checking in.
  19. Ole Red Eyed

    Dj Ruiner and Stoner Princess Party Cup Perpetual Grow x2 +Rep For Stopping In

    Yea.. I have some ona , but it's just not enough lol.. I should check into making a filter.. good call dj
  20. Ole Red Eyed

    Dj Ruiner and Stoner Princess Party Cup Perpetual Grow x2 +Rep For Stopping In

    Did y'all ever come up with anything for the smell? Lol I'm in a bind also and I don't feel like buying a carbon filter