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  1. epher350

    too many nutes, when should I harvest?

    These two didn't have a very great childhood, I was a terrible parent. They were very stretchy due to having just a single small grow light the first few weeks they were even alive. A couple of times I thought they wouldn't make it. Then I got the HID setup but had heat issues for weeks. I guess...
  2. epher350

    too many nutes, when should I harvest?

    yeah, I think I see them now. They are very small and yellow. Well shit. This picture is from the other plant. These structures are deep within the buds. I take it these will be seeds? Trichs are still white. Does anyone even smoke nanner weed, and what really causes it?
  3. epher350

    too many nutes, when should I harvest?

    Shit, so what happened? Pretty sure they started out female, it was bag weed though. Had some heat issues first couple of months, that was prob it I guess. So it's technically a hermie now? I read some ppl pull off the nanas or at least try to, but maybe it's too late for me? Damn, I have...
  4. epher350

    too many nutes, when should I harvest?

    So these pics are day 57 of flower, don't know exactly when to harvest. they look great, lots of red hairs, but still a bunch of white ones. Also, I gave them way too many nutrients earlier on. I pulled some buds off earlier, and after they dried out, they smelled and felt funny and weren't very...
  5. epher350

    Mad leaves, yo

    Every day, right around when the light turns on, I water them close to a half gallon of water each. I have two plants, named Cadence and Cascade, after the song. Love these branches though, they're starting to look like gorgeous lollipops of awesomeness. Could be doing worse for a first grow!
  6. epher350

    Mad leaves, yo

    Good advice, thanks! Yeah, I had started a water-only diet a few days ago, well and a little Bud Candy the last few days as well. Plan to do that till harvest of course, keeping an eye on soil ph.
  7. epher350

    Mad leaves, yo

    6 weeks in and doing just fine! Now my main branches are growing leaves outwards all along the sides. So as a first time grower, my question is should I pull off these leaves as they grow out? I know not to go crazy with leaf pulling, but these seem like they should go?
  8. epher350

    point of no return?

    So I have 2 plants around 24 inches tall. I was wanting to make room so I pulled out the veg lamps and threw the flower lights in the t5. That was a week ago, and I'm starting to see little leaves sprout out, but now I'm thinking maybe I should let them veg a little longer. But now it might be...
  9. epher350

    t5 for growing

    I have a small t5 setup, 4 24in bulbs and I want to buy 4 bloom lights. After reading a few great articles on here I understand the virtues of aquarium lights but still don't know the best setup for lights, especially since the korallen-zuchts might not have the right output. Anyways, I know I...
  10. epher350

    probably just burned out my ballast, but how?

    Yeah, guess so. Took it out of the tent and fired it up to test. It will still run a bulb on the MH side, but it kind of makes a small crackling sound when it does. When switched to HPS it instantly starts to smoke. I can see inside it a little through the metal (it's a Sunleaves) but see no...
  11. epher350

    probably just burned out my ballast, but how?

    Yeah it smells like oil, or burnt electronic stuff...
  12. epher350

    probably just burned out my ballast, but how?

    Well I found out why. I accidentally had the flip switch in the middle setting, which selects nothing. But it still came on for a second and ran, then the ballast smoked a little. So now my question is is this ballast still useable? Has this happened before, I'd plug it in now but I'm kinda...
  13. epher350

    probably just burned out my ballast, but how?

    Okay, so the plan was to switch from MH to HPS. I changed the bulbs and fired it up, it looked good. Then I remembered that my ballast has the switch on the back HPS/MH and that I had left it on MH, so I turned it off, flipped the switched, waited around 16 minutes and fired it up again. It...
  14. epher350

    My beautiful green babies!

    Damn these things are getting big. First pic is one week ago, second one is today (huge difference!), and third is close up. I still don't know for sure how to tell for gender, I see what look like the lady parts then they turn into more leaves. These plants are a month and a half old now. Is it...
  15. epher350

    raise the roof?

    Wow, so happy to hear this, and from such a large consensus as well! I guess I'll just keep an eye on the water then.
  16. epher350

    what happened?

    Thanks man! Yeah, they were just under watered pretty badly. I read some more, since they're in small pots (1 gallon) I need to water more often than normal.
  17. epher350

    raise the roof?

    So my plants have been acting strange lately. When the lights are on, they tend to "raise the roof" as seen in the pic, where the leaves get raised up really high. But when the lights are off, they get really saggy like they were underwatered. Actually they probably were underwatered those...
  18. epher350

    what happened?

    I kinda figured, but I have a small fan blowing directly on the plants. I put the bag so that it blows the Co2 onto them, but yeah, still wasteful I guess. Probably the best thing to do is put the bag in when the exhaust and lights aren't on, so they can get it when they're asleep.
  19. epher350

    what happened?

    When it's night time for the plants, the big exhaust fan and humidifier go off too and I just leave a small fan on inside to blow on them. There are vents on the sides of the tent. Maybe with the Co2 I need to leave the exhaust fan on all the time? What do you guys think? Can there be too much...