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  1. hydrohaze

    A little uncertain as to nutrient adding

    top it up with the same solution you already had in the system (nutes and ph mix)
  2. hydrohaze

    Transitioning into Hydro from soil

    the atami wilma systems look good. they come in all differnt sizes.
  3. hydrohaze

    nutrients for hydro seedling help please

    day 14 and i have now changed the system to homemade oxy pots. and put clean water in tubs with ph set to 5.8. two of the plants have grown loads and the other 3 dont look so good. what you the big plants need any nutes yet do you think
  4. hydrohaze

    Yield problems

    what medium are you using. what strain of plants are you using. and what is the temp around plants. also do you top your plants or remove the lower branches.
  5. hydrohaze

    when the earliest i can grow outdoor in the uk?

    go auto flower and it doesnt matter. PLANT NOW. what soil you gunna use to fill those big pots.
  6. hydrohaze

    Oxypot (dwc) Question

    i read that in a oxy pot changing the water and nutrients every week is the best if you have the time.
  7. hydrohaze

    is miracle grow ok?

    i used mg with bonzai compost and had exellent veg growth results. four 6 foot northern lights really healthy all male doh.
  8. hydrohaze

    Bonsai compost

    high has anyone ever tried bonsai compost for growing weed. i tried it before and had fantastic results in terms of health and size. i did not even have a light and my plants were huge and healthy. read below. Specially formulated for bonsai plants, this...
  9. hydrohaze

    nutrients for hydro seedling help please

    how long does the plant take to show signs of recovery after nute damage.
  10. hydrohaze

    nutrients for hydro seedling help please

    i know i shouldnt have the 600w hps on but its all i got. it is a metre away from seedlings tho.
  11. hydrohaze

    nutrients for hydro seedling help please

    you can see the roots coming out of bottom what you think . HOW FAST DO YOU THINK I SHOULD HAVE THE DRIPP GOING. IT IS AT 1 PER 10 SECONDS DURING LIGHT CYCLE ONLY.
  12. hydrohaze

    nutrients for hydro seedling help please

    yeah its a 90ltr tank with a custom lid with 5 holes with net pots in. it has a top dripp and two airstones in the bottom .
  13. hydrohaze

    nutrients for hydro seedling help please

    im using ionic growth . with ph at 6.0. 3 of plants are fine other 2 are droopy with yellowing and crispyness on ends. ps all differnt strains of autoflower.
  14. hydrohaze

    nutrients for hydro seedling help please

    at what dose should the nutes be at when the plants are 12 days old in a hydroponic system. im using half the recomended dose. what is correct dose anyone please.