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  1. Grow_man731

    Spider Mites late stage flowering

    Small update, I've just did like a semi full check up on the plant, oh man, I never experienced or saw something like this. While using the small microscope, I saw like dead bodies (spider mites xD) everywhere, fried up. Damn, its like they had their own world/community in there, and I burned it...
  2. Grow_man731

    82 yr olds first grow

    Daaaaaamn, :clap::joint::joint::joint:
  3. Grow_man731

    Spider Mites late stage flowering

    Just checked on it, the mfs are dead :DDD they are all fried up, and other than some pistol damage here and there and small parts of sugar leaves are burned, the bud are looking well :) Should I do another hit in a day or two? And how long should I wait before harvest or that probably doesnt...
  4. Grow_man731

    Spider Mites late stage flowering

    Should I spray once again now when its cooler? Or wait till to tmorrow morning as it hasnt been long since the first spray
  5. Grow_man731

    Spider Mites late stage flowering

    Damn man, next summer I am going to be prepared. I just hope I could save the harvest this summer
  6. Grow_man731

    Spider Mites late stage flowering

    one tbs to one liter water
  7. Grow_man731

    Spider Mites late stage flowering

    So, checking on the Plant today, the bud site looks good, nothing special changed, but unfortunately the mites are still chilling there :( I mean, does it need longer to take effect or is it because I used only a small concentration of Citric Acid?
  8. Grow_man731

    Spider Mites late stage flowering

    Just sprayed one bud site (Where I clearly saw a couple mites chilling chewing on my leaves, well wait till tomorrow or so, if nothing too extreme happened, will spray the rest of the plant. A lot of different recipes there. If it turns out to be a good result with the Citric Acid, I will look...
  9. Grow_man731

    Spider Mites late stage flowering

    Man, you are a bud savoir! I will start with a small dosage and get back here in 2/3 days and share the results.
  10. Grow_man731

    Spider Mites late stage flowering

    The mites I have they have like black head/body and the damages they did on the leaves is exactly like any spider mite and they have some webs here and there. I just got the Citric Acid, I am just a bit nervous about the whole thing (Spreading Acid on my buds). I will do the spray once it is a...
  11. Grow_man731

    Spider Mites late stage flowering

    Damn, the mites I have cant be seen with the naked eyes as well... They are way too small and I saw with a lil microscope.. They are suggesting around 2 tsp Citric Acid / L Water, then just spray it full. I will try it (Maybe a little less Citric Acid), one full plant spray. With washing the...
  12. Grow_man731

    Spider Mites late stage flowering

    Damn, that sucks. I have 0 experience in what type of Spray to get, is it only Citric Acid mixed with Water? Feels wrongs spray my buds in this stage with Acid :( How often? How long to wait before i could harvest after spraying? Pistil damage is the only thing I need to worry about? Many...
  13. Grow_man731

    Spider Mites late stage flowering

    Hey all, Ever since I started growing outdoors, I have had problems with infestations. First it was Thrips which I somehow dealt with at the late stage of Vegetative and now I have about two weeks of flowering and then it is harvest time. I have noticed spider mites moving all around my buds...
  14. Grow_man731


    I am getting these Novo Nem® Ambly. Cuc. Raubmilben which basically are predators who will hunt these bastards (Any thoughts?). They should be okay to use I guess. Yea, it is not out of control, but they are there, eating my plant. Maybe smoking them will get me high? bongsmilie
  15. Grow_man731


    Shit. It has oil yes, Pyrethrum and rapeseed oil >.< I dont know what should I do? I am looking for a citric acid spray right now. What happens if Thrips were left till end of harvest? IDK which is worse, spraying someting in my buds or insects
  16. Grow_man731


    Thrips are on my buds and leaves, I have this BIO natural spray which i could use, but i am worried to use it this late in stage that it would be more damaging than helpful. They still have i would say 3 to 4 weeks before harvest Any advice?
  17. Grow_man731


    Love the idea of simply a bucket of water inside. I will try it out.
  18. Grow_man731


    Hello y'all, Where I am right now, I have a self built closet (out of wood) which fits for a max of two plants, and now since it is winter the humidity levels are around 30-40%. Is it recommended that I install a small humidifier? Can anyone recommend me a small good one which would fit inside...
  19. Grow_man731

    Germination and darkness

    @Rurumo This is actually a very helpful guide wtf, thanks! @VincenzioVonHook Yea, I will try it just as simple as you guys are doing it. I just don't know why it didn't pop while having the light 24h. Maybe because of the pellets. I will try directly in the grow medium using a seedling tray...
  20. Grow_man731

    Germination and darkness

    @go go kid And your lights are on full intensity? Close to the seeds?