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  1. streets8r88

    4 bagseed, 4 females.

    Questionn, can you make feminized seeds with a hermy or does it just breed more hermies? I would think having just female/female genes would make feminized seeds. Open for input on this :)
  2. streets8r88

    4 bagseed, 4 females.

    Thanks for the input. I really hope i dont see banannas lol. I am fairly certain though that they're from an outdoor plant one year that most likely just collected pollen from a male somewhere. I did smoke the bud amd it def seemed like outdoor bud. I dont usually have seeds from indoor grows...
  3. streets8r88

    4 bagseed, 4 females.

    new pix :)
  4. streets8r88

    4 bagseed, 4 females.

    Some pics from a couple weeks ago. Now in a grow box and 5 gallon containers. Question for some veterans, for my next grow im thinking of maximizing space and getting some underbed containers that are 10gallons each and putting 2 side by side to take advantage of the vertical space that the...
  5. streets8r88

    4 bagseed, 4 females.

    Well I decided to finally share my project. First grow. Just started flowering after 6 weeks of vegging. Big plans for my 4 x 2 x 4 closet grow over the next year. Just had to share my frustration with murphy and his damn law. I swear he stalks me in my sleep. Began with bagseed to experiment...
  6. streets8r88

    Is misting your plant good or bad

    I agree, just let it do its thing and let the bitch be
  7. streets8r88

    why so slow??

    For your soil, are you using fox farms ocean forest or happy frog? Ocean alrdy has nutes in it so if ur adding extra to it then u could be burning it. I have happy frog and the smallest plant of my 4 got a small bit of yellow on a leaf the other day which im assuming is from the nutes. Maybe you...
  8. streets8r88

    why so slow??

    Im pretty much having the same issue. Our plants are the same age and its like they're supposed to be so much bigger. I added more light (total 26w CFL x 7) and I'm gonna try a different watering method. Are you still watering with a spray bottle or can now? I watered mine for the last time with...
  9. streets8r88

    15% discount at attitude seed bank!!

    10% is better than no % still. Wish I saw this discount before I ordered paradise ice cream :eyesmoke: :wall:
  10. streets8r88

    First Grow...G13 Labs Power Skunk and Bag seed

    Lol done and done :-)
  11. streets8r88

    First Grow...G13 Labs Power Skunk and Bag seed

    Sooo how is the smell doin? lol
  12. streets8r88

    First Grow...G13 Labs Power Skunk and Bag seed

    what a pimp :-D
  13. streets8r88

    First Grow...G13 Labs Power Skunk and Bag seed

    doesn't everyone? >:-D
  14. streets8r88

    First Grow...G13 Labs Power Skunk and Bag seed

    shrooms, djarum black's, bowls, hookahs, bongs, the party dur
  15. streets8r88

    First Grow...G13 Labs Power Skunk and Bag seed

    jeeze why haven't I been invited yet :-(
  16. streets8r88

    Smartlamp LED grow test

    ...people look at how other people have grown to have new ideas and obtain advice.. threads were never meant for negative criticism.. but it does happen none the less. (ignore it)....:weed:
  17. streets8r88

    First Grow...G13 Labs Power Skunk and Bag seed

    Lol I'd say its a worthy thread to lose my virginity to haha. And reason for saying how its funny lookin back at your thread is how many times you all got off subject lol. You'll have to keep updating on the smell as well as appearance now as they get into flowering..:-D i'm only growing one at...
  18. streets8r88

    First Grow...G13 Labs Power Skunk and Bag seed

    hey, so i just read this whole thread because i ordered some kc brains swiss xt and it came with the freebies so i was curious which i would plant first.... the one question i really have is how much do the skunks smell?? like how noticeable is it? i have a small closet in my bedroom in the...