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  1. S

    All dried and cured, and one jar has puffy "dust"...MOLD!?!??!! Need Advice

    Hey I had a great first harvest, with about a pound and half all said and done. the one jar I have though, the bud is oretty dry, however if i squeeze it a bit or flick it, dusty/powdry poofs of smokey looking something puffs off the bud. Is this mold? if so...what can i do to...
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    Pscyhed about 1st ever harvest...curing and sampling..not that great. WTF???!! Help!!

    Thanks everyone for the replies. The seeds I used were bag seeds I had collected. This was my first grow, and I figured before I buy noce seeds, I might as well see if I have a green thumb first. The plants grew well, I learned alot on this site, and was happy with the harvest. I grew them...
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    Pscyhed about 1st ever harvest...curing and sampling..not that great. WTF???!! Help!!

    hi there. this was my first grow, and i sorta documented in a couple posts throughout the SUmmer. See links below: ---- ----
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    Conflicting advice on trichs. Wondering if now is trhe time..

    hey can you tell if your plant is indica or sativa?
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    BROWN Pistols but CLEAR to CLOUDY Trichomes. Harvest????

    Just a quick question. Looking for some guidance. I have a plant that has matured nicely, and is looking thick. the pistols are now really turning brown and shrivelling up, but the trichomes are clear to cloudy, maybe a bit more on the cloudy side. I see no amber trics. Some poeple go by...
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    Molasses yellowing your leaves

    if you are flowering, and have been flowreing (which you should be by now), then I wouldnt use ANY fish poop fert at all. Cut the N out to almost nothing, and use nutes for flweroing, such has Fox Farms Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom. Takes the N out and ups the P and K.
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    Oct.1 flush??

    I would assume, with 3-5 weeks left in the season, I would consider it to be in the 2nd half of flowering, and thereore little to no N...agree?
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    Girls looking FAT!!! Can you help with some purple.. all FLOWERS!!!

    So I went out to nute/water them today. colas are starting to fatten up on the 3 plants I 12/12d a while back. the plant in the pot with no alterations is filling in nicely as well. see pic. the purple haired flowers are not as fat. the taller plant in the ground is starting to fill out as...
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    Oct.1 flush??

    so I got a newbie question. If there are fan leaves that are still quite green by the end of the flowering, you said it means they got too much nitrogen. What is the problem with getting too much Nitrogen?
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    Girls looking FAT!!! Can you help with some purple.. all FLOWERS!!!

    hey, thx or the comments. i figured I still had a month or so. I am in New England, so figured middle to end of Oct for harvest. I did pick up the microscope you mentioned...and the trichomes are still clear. Thanks for the comments guys. I will be posting updates later today.
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    Girls looking FAT!!! Can you help with some purple.. all FLOWERS!!!

    97 views and no comments? come on people...looking for some dialog here!!
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    Girls looking FAT!!! Can you help with some purple.. all FLOWERS!!!

    Hey there....I am in about week 12 or about in my 1st outdoor grow. Ive posted pics if you want to check them out. I have 2 plants in the ground, and 4 girls in pots. I havt LST'd one of the pit plants, and one of the plants that are in the ground. The LST plant that is in the ground is the...
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    First Grow. 12 Ounces dried. Lots of Pics

    Lighten up bro! Stop taking yourself so frigin seriously...geesh!
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    First Grow. 12 Ounces dried. Lots of Pics

    is it better to do the drying and curing in the dark or does it matter? what temps need to be for drying and curing?
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    dude..its fuckin cold on the east coast??

    just a quick newbie question.... What happens if frost comes before you take the plants out of the ground? Also, does frost affect plants that are int he ground and plants that are in pots the same?
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    dude..its fuckin cold on the east coast??

    How do you know when they are done flowering, before the codl gets to them?
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    Reverting, reveg, hermie, normal???

    it looks like you are revegging
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    1st Grow - take a look...GROWING WELLgirls loving it outside!!! - PICS!!

    Its been a while since my last post on this grow. All plants are flowering, and the three that I 12/12d and then put outside have revegged, but seems to re flower already. I think I shoudl be ok in terms of yield before the frost sets in . I have a question concering frost I need help with...
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    Any New Hampshire growers out there? or close by?

    I am starting to see flowers on the plants i did NOT 12/12 on my own. 401 here, and I still think the girls are getting 14-15 hrs of sun....never thought i would be anxious for shorter days to start happening. i will post a update on my girls tonight.
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    1st Grow - take a look...GROWING WELLgirls loving it outside!!! - PICS!!

    quick update to the grow. the two plants that are still inthe ground are growing nicely. see pics. The one is up to my chest. QUESTION: Its the beginning of Sept and these two plants in the ground look skinny and not bushed out with growth. Will they still flower and develop the bud needed for...