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  1. S

    1st Grow - take a look...GROWING WELLgirls loving it outside!!! - PICS!!

    i also hear people in the new england area saying that harvest isnt until end of sept, mid oct?
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    1st Grow - take a look...GROWING WELLgirls loving it outside!!! - PICS!!

    So, will they start to flower/bud once we get closer to natural 12/12 lighting outside? What does this do to my yield, and what should I do now?
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    1st Grow - take a look...GROWING WELLgirls loving it outside!!! - PICS!!

    regging? ok so what do I do. I started Tiger Bloom today. I think they are revegging because I 12/12'd them for about a month, and then put them out in mother nature. so what you think I gotta do or do i do nothing?
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    1st Grow - take a look...GROWING WELLgirls loving it outside!!! - PICS!! i wanted to update my grow, since alot has gone on here in southern New England. We have had three full dyas of rain, and it is gettin cooler. sundown is now around 730-8pm. after tearing out the majority of my plants which were male, I noticed one more yday. Out he went. SOB...
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    1st Grow - take a look...GROWING WELLgirls loving it outside!!! - PICS!!

    dammit. thats what I thought. that blows. so obviously there is nothing to smoke on a male plant, but what the heck can I do with it? cannabutter? hash? thanks for the replies. Will keep posting updates when worth it.
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    1st Grow - take a look...GROWING WELLgirls loving it outside!!! - PICS!!

    So, sorry for the delays in updating. Plants are growing great, and I thought I had been lucking out that I had all females. I think I was wrong. I need some help. Ive posted the pics on this reply. the boy1, boy2, boy3, boy4, boy5 pics are just that...what I think are boys. please let m eknow...
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    12/12 then outside - IS THIS BAD?

    Hey there...I have 15 plants, and 3 of them are my big girls. I started 12/12 on them about 1 month ago, and then I started to leave them outside. I am in New ENgland, so we are not at 12/12 naturally yet. I have noticed some growth of stem and leaves on top of the flowering that began after...
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    Any New Hampshire growers out there? or close by?

    401 first time here. have 15 plants, 3 mommas tht are flowering nicely after I 12/12'd them, three others that I have in pots but am lettign mother nature nurture them, and 9 plants directly in the ground with a mittle additive mixed in (soil, compost). Loving this time of the year, except i...
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    Countryfarmer's outdoor grow

    countryfarmer....goto and order the garlic clips to keep deer away. I have tried everything, from hair, to liquid fence, to plastic netting, and the only thing that HAS WORKED are these garlic clips. They are on sale this week on the and the work. hope this helps.
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    male plant

    so how do you make hash out of the male plants? I assume you can use the clippings from harvesting the girls as well? yeh? if someone could link me to a thread on making hash, I would appreciate it!
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    Outdoor bag seed grow ???? + more

    why not put those sprouts on a 24/0 schedule for the first couple of weeks to juice their growth...then hit 12/12? what nutes are you going to use? lets see some pics of the setup. yeh, welsh, good question....where you growing Rtoke?
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    1st Grow - take a look...GROWING WELLgirls loving it outside!!! - PICS!!

    :hump: Hey bro..ive attached a couple closeups...I think I found my first male. Is there ANY WAY of smaoking a male plant....I want to make sure before i destroy it. Ive attached my three main girls and the other 4 where I have them sitting. The two in the medium brown pots I have topped...
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    1st Grow - take a look...GROWING WELLgirls loving it outside!!! - PICS!!

    ill take closeups today. i have also noticed the plants that hae been grwing out of ground, and not pots are stretched...lots of space between nodes. Plants that I 12/12 for a month are still in pots and are much bushier/flowering. i just got a new seed from some nice stuff. thinking of...
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    1st Grow - take a look...GROWING WELLgirls loving it outside!!! - PICS!!

    dunkin, thanks for the comments and pointers. good stuff, much appreicated. Im giving them nutes, (combo of FloraBloom and FloraMicro). Seems to be getting them moving, although still not as bushy or sprawling like I see some plants on this site. The three big plants I started 12/12 with...
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    TOPPING plants....what is it and why?

    is it too late in the season to top off and expect a bounce back before mother nature starts triggering flowering?
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    TOPPING plants....what is it and why?

    well, i have topped two of my smaller, less aggsresive grown plants. Day 3, no bushiness yet. Ill give it a couple weeks to see results.
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    1st Grow - take a look...GROWING WELLgirls loving it outside!!! - PICS!!

    well...of the 15 plants I having growing I dont see pollen balls forming at the nodes at all. Is it impossible to plant 15 seeds from various bags, and not have one male? Lucky I guess. One question I do have...some of my plants are only a couple feet (maybe) high. Will these flower and...
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    1st Grow - take a look...GROWING WELLgirls loving it outside!!! - PICS!!

    Thanks bro! I am thinking of buying some seeds next year to see the difference, but it is cool to grow bag weed and find out what you get. Kinda like Forrest Gump and his box of chocolates. If I could get anywhere near a couple of oz. with these plants I would be stooked!! I am anxious now...
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    1st Grow - take a look...GROWING WELLgirls loving it outside!!! - PICS!!

    Hey there.. firsts grow this year. growing 15 plants...all seeds from bags. My 3 biggest were lucky and were female. I think they are mostly female, but having a hard time sexing whether its is a male or not? I have my three biggest and best girls in 5 gallon pots, and I have two slightly...