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  1. spida

    Spida's Micro Grow

    LMAO! I'm just saying 1-2 right now, because that seems to be whats keeping the square inch that the seed is in moist. So that's just what I'm going by, i'm not going by a certain amount, I'm going by how much it looks like it needs. And no, my girls are still little, they need their nightlight...
  2. spida

    Spida's Micro Grow

    Having the light on makes me feel better. Makes me feel like something is happening. :) Haha. Alright, I will water maybe 2 tablespoons in the morning, 1 tablespoon before bed? Sounds good?
  3. spida

    Bonz`s Dutch Treat 12/12 cfl grow

    That's not bad at all man. Wish I got $7 a gram. Haha.
  4. spida

    Spida's Micro Grow

    How am I gonna water it without letting it get on the soil DWR? Haha. And I did pre-moisten it, but the lights make the soil look like its drying up, so I'm giving them refreshers. :) How do you like the box update so far DWR? Btw, Happy smoking. :joint:
  5. spida

    First Attempt Grow With CFL's

    Hmm. Might go get one. I wanted to get the ciggarette looking metal bats. I wanted to get two or three or four of those, pack em before work, go to work and toke every 30 minutes. haha.
  6. spida

    Bonz`s Dutch Treat 12/12 cfl grow

    Lovin' The pipe. haha
  7. spida

    DeweyKox's attack of the clones

    Haha woo hoo. Well I would have said more, but after DWR harvested it was 15 ounces wet, and I said its gonna be 8 ounces dry, and it turned out being 2! so I'm going to underguess this one, just because doesn't look like you have any humongous ounce colas or anything. haha. (No offense...
  8. spida

    Spida's Micro Grow

    Will do, give me a sec, going to do it now. and done. :) So bonz, how does the watering amount sound right now? Do you think 2-3 table spoons above seedling will work every morning/lunch time whichever I have time. And then about 1 before I go to sleep?
  9. spida

    Spida's Micro Grow

    Hahaha. I'll let my box builder do the talking for me. ;) I just sat and watched and held stuff when needed. Good thing he was helpin, I can't keep all those god damn numbers straight. Haha. And ya, it was put together quickly, and with like minimal money. Bonz - The walls are so sturdy. I...
  10. spida

    First Attempt Grow With CFL's

    I need to get a bat so I can smoke at work. :) I work outside, and once its starting to get rainy or foggy in the mornings, then smell shouldn't be an issue.
  11. spida

    First time shroom grow log :)

    Great looking harvest hippie. And Phish - I got scared as hell one time I had a drug test come back positive for opiates. I got all pissed like WTF I don't do opiates or anything, and got all worried, and then I remembered I was prescribed vicodin and codiene for my root canal. ;) Biggest relief...
  12. spida

    DeweyKox's attack of the clones

    4.2 Ounces ;)
  13. spida

    Bonz`s Dutch Treat 12/12 cfl grow

    Damn straight spida's goin help. And goin' do a damn good job at it. :) Hehe. Feel better.
  14. spida

    My 2nd Time Grow, With CFL's

    Buy some PH up and PH down. I think from what I've heard they have it at pet stores.
  15. spida

    Spida's Micro Grow

    :leaf: Update on the Plants :leaf: After I got home from work today, I decided to give them a little water. I did about 2-3 tablespoons for each plant and poured just over the seedling. I have heard this should work fine. Just keeping the seed moist until it gets some roots growing. I will...
  16. spida

    Spida's Micro Grow

    Grow Box Build :leaf: Part 1 :leaf: So guys, construction on my box started today. Unfortunately I did not have enough time to finish it completely, but will work on it and finish it as soon as I can. For now I'm sure the plants are fine where they are. So just some background info on the box...
  17. spida

    Spida's Micro Grow

    n00b - Thanks. DWR - Yup, did some building for a few hours today, and a friend of mine helped me out, and by I mean help, I mean he basically did it, and I assisted him. Haha. It's not done, but it's coming along great. Will Post an update in about 2 hours.
  18. spida

    DeweyKox's attack of the clones

    Ya. Also its probably a last minute thing if you did this, but have heard numerous places saying if you drill the stem at the bottom with a drill, then stick a stick inside of it, in the morning it will have surrounded the stick to the point where you can't pull it out, and it will force resin...
  19. spida

    K1Ng5p4d3's Cardboard Box Grow (hehe)

    I know. No point in taking double risk. You can still make your money without havin' to be out sellin that shit.
  20. spida

    DeweyKox's attack of the clones

    Can't wait. In the mean time, if your bored you can check out my first grow. :) It's in the sig. Can't wait to see your harvest pics. I have heard of people doing 24 hours of dark between veg and flower, and of 24 hours before chop, but would you mind telling me what the plant benefits from...