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  1. nobustincaps


    alot mo info?
  2. nobustincaps

    white spackled like powder shit?

    probably your spackle
  3. nobustincaps


    yea so i thinks its over watering anyone else got ideas?
  4. nobustincaps

    just a question...

    if you cant clear a six footer.... IDK..., ill stick with the local head shop and see if they;ll deliver...
  5. nobustincaps

    just a question...

    seriously, google cant even find it...
  6. nobustincaps

    just a question...

    where online can i buy a six foot acrylic bong?
  7. nobustincaps

    That yellowing problem agian!!! (picssss)

    coool, but just in case anyone else have anyhting to say to contend with this?
  8. nobustincaps

    That yellowing problem agian!!! (picssss)

    so i decided my plant was being cooped up, so i moved it, hopefully if the problem is a lighting problem it will help... and again today had to pull off four leaves.... you guys should hellllllllp me heres waht i did... please helpo
  9. nobustincaps

    That yellowing problem agian!!! (picssss)

    well i water till the soil is well saturated, only if i put my finger into the soil and its dry...not really a set amount, cause the dryness varies... and another thing, i dont think that if it were a light issue it would have destroyed two nodes... and everyday ive been clipping off leaves, my...
  10. nobustincaps


    its been a while and my camera bloke but now shes reaaaaaaal sick and idk what to do, anyone got ideas as to wahts wrong? other than a few select problems, its doing fine
  11. nobustincaps

    That yellowing problem agian!!! (picssss)

    So the yellowing problem i mentioned in the posty its not a nitrogen def, i keep testing and it says its high in the soil, I dont understand whats wrong with it... just throw out anyhting i need some definative...
  12. nobustincaps

    Higher Female Ratio (Again..)

    Trying to feminize a seed with female estrogen birth control is completely stupid... Its almost like saying pissing directly on your plants is good for them
  13. nobustincaps

    Taste test

    id have to put my vote tward inoor, but tahts probably cause this year is my first outdoor alot of inexperience outside... but i'd say indoor simply because you have more control
  14. nobustincaps


    why dont i know who sings the sone"easy like sunday morning" or whatever its called? does anyone? i wanna heaaaaar it.... hahaha
  15. nobustincaps


    it sucks though, ive gone crazy, ive flipped my couch in the living room, looked inside the upolstry underneath... same to my bed... w/o looking sinside... called the buddy i drank with, i guess i bought it after i came home, which makes sense. so i remember distincly putting it in my jar in my...
  16. nobustincaps

    Colored lights (CFL)

    i already have pleanty of cfls, i was just wandering if i swapped some out for equal wattage in a blue, if it'd make a difference, thanks all....
  17. nobustincaps

    Colored lights (CFL)

    noooooo, the color of the bulb itself was jsut like blue.... i dont think it has to do with spectrum just a like blue party light, i was just wandering if they'd make a difference...
  18. nobustincaps


    yesterday, i got an eighth when i was drunk, rolled a blunt, and misplaced the rest of the weeeeeeeed :[ fucking pot karma bank, i intended that to be consumed today, not a few days down the road...
  19. nobustincaps

    good presents...

    nice theory, PLUS REP
  20. nobustincaps

    Colored lights (CFL)

    so i went over to a friends house and sat down on the bed, looked across the room and in a lamp there was a blue cfl, a thirteen watt, i was wandering if i had enough blue for veg, would they make any affect, same with red ones in flowering? would anyone know about this? thanks...