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  1. M

    250w HPS vs 2x125w CFL for cabinet?

    HPS heat will be more than CFL heat HPS will give you more lumens than CFL You can keep CFL closer to plants than HPS (due to heat), either one, use the hand rule, burns your hand, it will burn your plants, again CFL can get closer than HPS CFL (if you get 6500K) vs HPS for veg I think is...
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    Hempy Bucket Mix

    Those ladies look hot! Great journal, helping me alot as I start my hempy grow. I will start next week (germinating now). Rippey
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    The Hempy Collective

    THseaman, i cant thank you enuf. Went shopping today and got some miraclegro perlite, foam cups, 2.5 gal buckets but i did not find any rockwool. I was reading on your grow journal that you had wished to start in those and wanted to heed that advice. I was also looking for some vermiculite to...
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    The Hempy Collective

    THseaman, thanks for your advice. Let me make sure I understand. I can start in foam cups, I will most likely start with six plants 3 AK-48 white strain and 3 G13 Power Skunk (after they germinate, of course). I would water them daily (not alot) until I see them really growing (a week or two...
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    The Hempy Collective

    I am about to start a hempy grow next week with some ak-47 and some power skunk. I have been reading alot but I think there seems to e a conflict somewhere which I hope you can help. I read we should get a container where for each month you have a gallon so if your plant cycle is 3 months, you...
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    Hydroponics What is the best system?

    I do not think it is a matter of best, it is a matter of what you are willing to deal with, spend and want. There are DWC, Ebb and Flow, Hempy buckets, etc. I think you need to search on each of these and find out which one you think you can do. Personally, I am going with a hempy bucket...
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    400w mh and 600hps for flowering

    somewhere in here i read 50-70 watts / sq foot is a good setup. I am sure there are a few more knowledgeable people who can help you Rippey
  8. M

    question regarding lights 250w HPS and MH

    i was thinking of actually setting up two small rooms, one with a 250 watt MH for veg and another 250 watt HPS for flowering. This way, I can veg for 6 weeks and flower for 8 weeks and keep the assembly line moving. HTG has a 250 watt for $130 so I may just do that. Thanks Rippey
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    question regarding lights 250w HPS and MH

    Hey gang, Looking to get lights for my little grow tent (2x4x5). Looking to get a 250 watt light. Can I buy a 250w HPS light setup and buy a 250 watt MH bulb for flowering (and use that for vegging) and just switch to the HPS bulb when I want to flower? I am not sure if the conversion stuff...
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    Electric bill - kWh: $0.17

    if you are doing 18/6 for 30 days = $110.16 for 12/12 for 30 days = $73.44 want to play -> Rippey
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    Post your exp with Attitude seed bank

    got mine 11 days total, no t-shirt but free seeds, painless Rippey
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    get a good strain, grow them (veg longer, flower longer). The longer they grow (in each state, without getting moldy or anything) the better the yield. Maybe go Hydro (I am going Hempy bucket myself). Rippey
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    Time line

    I am a newbie myself but the lighting question I think I can answer. In veg you can go with a light/dark setup like this (in hours fo course) 18/6 (mostly what is done), 20/4 or 24/0. When you are flowering (when the girls are growing buds) it is usually 12/12, never seen anything outside of...
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    how much do you smoke??

    I must be a light weight since I smoke maybe 2 blunts a month (and that is shared with wifey).... Oh BTW, I can make 2 blunts with a 20 sack. Rippey
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    anyone bought from The Attitude Seedbank?

    ordered from them a few days ago, says it is processed, should come next week. live in us too.. Rippey
  16. M

    attitude Seed bank Warning. Dont waste your time!

    I ordered from them the other day and I got an email that says it is processing so I am hoping I get my seeds. I will know in about a week and change. Rippey
  17. M

    Where did you get your seeds shipped to?

    my house from the 'tude. I only ordered AK-48 and G13 Power Skunk, should be here in a bout a week. I was thinking of sending it elsewhere but ah, too much trouble. Rippey
  18. M

    Venting a tent 39x39x79 and 400w MH/HPS

    not near a window so I am going to be sucking in air from the next room through the dropped ceiling. I am going to start with G13 Labs Poison Dwarf ( since it is a fast flowering plant (5 weeks). Rippey
  19. M

    Venting a tent 39x39x79 and 400w MH/HPS

    About to build my little grow tent and was thinking about venting. I know the 400w MH/HPS going to generate heat so I was thinking on having 4 fans in total: 1 oscillating fan to make the ladies strong and circulate air and three vent fans 2 6" fans (one in and one exhaust) and 1 4" fan...
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    Cheapest Most Efficient Setup

    cant beat that, my setup is going to be about $400 but I have a tent, HID MH/HPS lights and growing 6 girls. I am doing DWC / bubbleponics. Rippey