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  1. peoples

    Hooking up a electrical panel! Almost done, but..?

    Sup fellow growers! I am currently hooking up a new system and bought a electrical panel for my six lamps. All the wiring was already done exept the cabel from the outlet. The only fuse that did not have wiring was the "General" and it was wired to the one next to it. Am I right to just...
  2. peoples

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Sup fellow growers! I am currently hooking up a new system and bought a electrical panel for my six lamps. All the wiring was already done exept the cabel from the outlet. The only fuse that did not have wiring was the "General" and it was wired to the one next to it. Am I right to just...
  3. peoples

    Urban redecoration! Input on some ventilation por favor!

    Looking at the par reading, I actually find little need for a HPS to even supplementing this rack:
  4. peoples

    Urban redecoration! Input on some ventilation por favor!

    Thanks J420, ye, I kind of jumped between the sticks, m3 and cfm some. Got myself confused in the process ;) Plasma looks to be the absolutely shiiiiat when it comes to veg building, Gavita's top model is starting on nearly 1100€ in Spain, tho.
  5. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    Hello y'all! I have been pondering this setup for quite some time, and is starting to puzzle the pieces. After reading up on ventilation I found myself a little short of expertise, so to speak. If anyone out there want to come to my humble setup rescue and look over the number, I would be much...
  6. peoples

    Urban redecoration! Input on some ventilation por favor!

    Hello y'all! I have been pondering this setup for quite some time, and is starting to puzzle the pieces. After reading up on ventilation I found myself a little short of expertise, so to speak. If anyone out there want to come to my humble setup rescue and look over the number, I would be much...
  7. peoples

    Lemon Tree

    I know it is not a cannabis related question, but here goes anyway. My lemon tree seems to be getting a big amount of these white eggs stuff. Any clue ?
  8. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    These photos was taken one week ago, just before we harvested and started the drying: Been having some minor issues with drying. There is alot of humidity in Barcelona, and trying to fight this with a aircon running on dehymid is taking the temperature down to prox...
  9. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    I think it is more a personal preference; carbonate will as you say sink to the bottom, and kick in again. But if you want to have a closer link with the pH, and not wait for it to drop to a certain level, or not raise it so much, hydroxide is the way to go.
  10. peoples

    FJG's Hempy Main-Lined Grow - Critical Kush & Mazar x White Rhino

    Sup FJG! Really cool grow you got here! Subbed down for the ride! Had not heard about mainlining before, looks like a interesting way to grow. Do you know if this is similar or just another name for low stress method or something ?
  11. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    Iiiish, have some spider mites crawling around. On the positive side of things, this grow have been a perfect stepping stone for me, experience and learning curve. Already made a mixture of garlic and chili that I have smeared on the underside of the leafs. Bumped the temperature down to 21-22...
  12. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    Update time! 43 days into flower, the end is near! The previous updates have been quite short so will take some time to add more details in this one. With all the rackus with the neighbor, cops, moving, cleaning old apartment etc, sadly to say the grow has been somewhat neglected. It is...
  13. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    Sounds brilliant! Tilapia is kind of a hybrid, so if I were to feed tilapia with live feed, this will work ?
  14. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    Thank you for the insight, I have actually been thinking about that. Plant eaters vs meat eaters = different type of poop <- this seem to me like a no-brainer, just the technicality and numbers behind it I do not yet fully understand. I have obtained calcium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide...
  15. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    Quick update on the grow! The move to the new house was not without issues, but I think it went quite well, all consider. The power adapter for the HPS went AWOL during the move, still looking for it, in the meantime we've plugged in the O'trusty LED :D I was in a rush this morning, so the...
  16. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    Great to hear good feedback, would love to see your aquaweed! =) The fish kept dying because of the ridiculous low pH, have 2 comets and one algae sucker left, the plant are not showing any signs of nute deficiencies, tho. 9 pages is nothing, dude! ;)
  17. peoples

    High CBD, Low Odor Medical Strain

    Jogro, with your scientific stance here. Do you exclude the possibility that evidence isnt there because there has not been any studies on humans? And that it might actually have strong anti cancer properties? That would be extremely unscientific. Excluding something based on the lack of studies.
  18. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    Long time since last update. Had some issues with a neighbor that was complaining about noise from the exhaust fans and a landlord not happy paying the electricity bills for our grow :pirat: We put the grow in stealth mode, the temp have risen to 26-27 celcius in the canopy but this is only...
  19. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    Bad news .. Obviously the neighbor have been kept awake by the ventilation and other stuff for several months now without even mention it when we have met in the hallway, and when our landlord came by to pick up the rent he told us about the situation. The land lord threaten to call the cops...
  20. peoples

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    Did you also have misformed and stunted topshots ?